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Portal Sort


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Hello , Im hoping somebody can help me :-). I have a portal on my customers layout its a single date field portal. This portal is connected to my service layout.

The Field shows the retest date of a piece of equipment . It works perfectly if there is only one retest date. My problem is if there is many.

What i would like the portal to show is the NEXT retest date . At the moment it shows the LAST retest date. So if i have a customer with many machines tested on different dates it always shows the LAST which means i miss the retest dates in-between the current date and this last retest date.

I hope that makes sense. 




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Hi , Thanks for the quick reply but the ascending doesnt work for me , I have it set at descending at the moment so that the last retest date is showing. I looked at the Function route on the link but to be honest i havent a clue what to do there :-) I have never done a function. I tried to copy and past it but it didnt work? 

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