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create an invoice


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in my current solution my client decided he wants to be able to invoice from the system , however it must look neat and be simple - what it is used are for misc. item not in the system it is just when he occasionally needs to bill for different services he offers

what i did in the customer record i created a button which picks up the clients name and address and then takes him to a record with a portal where he can type in the item she wants to bill and then a button that takes it to a report that displays the info in an invoice.

However experiencing a couple of issues.

1) i need to be able to create multiple invoice to one client

2)i can`t seem to relate the record where one enters the billing info to the last invoice - sometimes it does creat whereas other times not and then it cant seem to locate it 


please could someone help me out with this

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You keep asking questions about the same things. There are no short cuts to developing a multi-facit solution. Take a look at the Invoice.fmp12 that came with your application. There is a report in it.

As I said the other day, 


One of you in your team should read about portals, relationship, creating related records.

and now  reports.


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This topic is 3068 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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