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Plug ins


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I am new to filemaker 14 ...... I used to have FM9 and I could and did make an .exe (standalone) file of my database ..... when I try to do it in FM14 pro extended I am told that a plug in is missing and when I check there is none in the dialog box and the "configure" button is greyed out ...... what am I doing wrong?

Question .. where are the plugins and how do I install them.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Does it tell you what plugin?

Plugin these days (since FM12) are installed typically through the "install plugin file" script step:


But you can certainly still manually put any plugin in its right location:



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Hi Thanks again.

I have figured where the plug-in live ....... but I can't find any plug-in files. What I want to do is create a executable (.exe) file so that I can give it to my wife to use without having to install FM.

This is the Family History file in my other post.

I created one a long time ago with FM9 without problems ......... seems that I need to jump through a lot more hoop this time.


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The critical error is in the dialog that says that not all resources are found to make a runtime.  That has nothing to do with plugins and I could not see a reference to plugins in those screenshots.


I think you need to:

- uninstall FMPA 14

- reboot

- reinstall FMPA 14

- reboot

then try again.

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This topic is 3053 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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