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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Showing 'list' in portal


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I'm an absolute FMP newbie

I have a table called 'artists' and another called 'contacts'.

And I have a layout with a portal listing that artist's contacts

However.. In real life, each 'contact' can be linked to many 'artists'. E.G one guy might manage three bands

I would really appreciate any of you pointing me in the right direction of allowing a 'contact' to be linked to many 'artists'


Screen Shot 2016-03-21 at 16.15.30.jpg

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You have a many-to many relationship between Artists and Contacts (many artists can have many contacts).  You need a join table Artist_Contact between them.

Artist::id >----< Artist_Contact::Artist ID
                  Artist_Contact::ContactID >------< Contact::ID

Make your portal based on Artist_Contact, and include the relevant fields from Contacts in the portal

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