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Everything posted by Rasse

  1. Ok, thx will try that.
  2. Thank you for your reply. For now, I don't want to put it in web viewer because I'm developing the JavaScript code. I think it removes the formatting of the code, when I copy the source code from the web viewer. (Hmm, tested to add line break ¶, and it worked). But still it's lot easier and cleaner when having the code in a field. I'm using d3js library and making custom JavaScript file for week overview of workers workload. It's pivot table(cross table) which I figured is easier and more cleaner to make with JavaScript than create with Filemaker. Matthew: Oh, I see, so it would work if I copy the database as local and deleted it from server. And when I'm finish editing a just upload back to the server.
  3. Hey and good morning from Europe! I have a problem saving javascript in global field. When I quit Filemaker, changes goes away and reverts back to old one. Is there a workaround for this? This raises question for other people who needs to run the javascript? We are using Filemaker 13.0v3 & Filemaker Server 2013 Would one solution be to save it as normal field and make a script to update the global field which triggers when user need's the script? Or is there a better solution for this? Thank you for all the help I can get!
  4. I'm trying to implement d3.js graph to filemaker project The graph which I'm trying to implement is http://bl.ocks.org/tjdecke/5558084 So I'm trying to implement that heatmap to Filemaker webviewer. And create data From Filemaker calculations, so do you have any ideas how? I have already created table which has javascript libraries & css, these are global fields. In the example it using tsv as data file and I think it needs to change as javascript array instead, which with filemaker calculation I will create the data. And that's what i'm struggling with.
  5. I have portal with related records.In portal row record I need find specific text (patterncount) from a field and sum up that records cost field. How do i do that? Do I need to do a loop every portal row and use patterncount to check correct record and sum that record cost field($costs = $costs + table::cost)? Thank you for your help.
  6. no need to reply... I used compound and setOmit()
  7. Hi, How can I make a search that checks from one field if it's prohibited (meaning that it will not show those posts) when I have like 3-4 different values on that field which I want to show $fm = new FileMaker(FM_DB, FM_HOST, FM_USER, FM_PASSWD); $findCommand =& $fm->newFindCommand('layout'); $findCommand->addFindCriterion('title', $title); if ($format) $findCommand->addFindCriterion('type', '=='. $format); $findCommand->addFindCriterion('type2', $type2); $findCommand->addFindCriterion('description', $description); $findCommand->addFindCriterion('rights',$rights ); like this $findCommand->addFindCriterion('rights' , "!="$rightsNOT ) And I have a Compound search too where I need to implement this also. It would be stupid if I need to put lots of rights, but if there is no better way so... $findCommand->addFindCriterion('rights',$rights2 ); $findCommand->addFindCriterion('rights',$rights3 ); $findCommand->addFindCriterion('rights',$rights4 );
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