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Found 6 results

  1. I've finally created a database design report for my eight year old database! Quite a few errors (see attached). Can anyone suggest which element I should tackle first? There have been reports of sluggish performance so I want to tackle that first: Many thanks
  2. Since FileMaker 16 now exports a plugin "source" code with the DDR (even if the plugin is not present) for plugin script steps, it would be helpful to have a way to identify a plugin based upon this "source" code. It would be immensely helpful if developers could provide this information. F...
  3. Is it always safe to delete a script when the DDR lists no Layouts that use the script and no other Scripts that call the script? I'm trying to clean up my file without shooting myself in the foot: I can't think of why I would ever need such a script, but don't want to find out the hard way th...
  4. YIKES! I tried to generate a DDR for my solution and got the following error: SAXParseException: Invalid character 0x12 in attribute value 'PlatformType' (Occurred in entity C:/Users\guys\AppData\Local\Temp\FMTEMPFM5128_4.tmp', at lime 24503, column 981.) I have attached a screenshot for c...
  5. I've used the PHP simpleXML library as the basis of a simple tool for querying the XML DDR produced by FMPA . It's fairly functional and it has the benefit of being fast. Unlike other tools it doesn't require pre-processing of the XML prior to use. I've decided to publish it under the GNU AFFER...
  6. Hello, I just discovered something scary. I wanted to check if a specific script was used on a layout as I wasn't sure anymore. So I created a DDR. When checking the script in the DDR the 'Layouts that use this script' and 'Scripts that use this script' parts were empty. Still I felt a bi...
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