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Attach/run a script based on what is chosen via radio buttons


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This is likely a very easy remedy to this but it escapes me at this time.

I have a value list configured as a radio button selection- has two choices - either "no issues" (default value) or "issues". What I'm looking to setup is a

script that would open up a popover if the user selects the "issues" radio button. Any quick thoughts?


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5 hours ago, skingjack2 said:

script that would open up a popover

Are You using a newer version of FileMaker? Popovers didn’t appear until FileMaker Pro 13. If so, Please update your profile to reflect your current version of FileMaker, OS and  Platform.

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Easiest would be to use an OnObjectModify script trigger.  Grab the value in a variable, if needed, then open the popover.  On the radio button field add this auto enter calculation (uncheck) 'Replace existing..." with Raybaudi's:

GetValue ( Self ; ValueCount ( Self  ) )

This will prevent a user from shift+clicking to select both radio buttons.

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