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Send Mail - Attach based on data

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I created a script that creates a .PDF file in a specific location using a variable ($FilePath) to the file path:
"filemac:/Macintosh HD/Users/me/Documents/Letters/" & "You_" & List::CourseFaculty & "_" & List::CourseQtr & List::CourseYear & ".pdf"

This works fine and the PDF is created in the location specified. However, I am trying to figure out a way to script the Send Mail step (at a later date) to go to the $FilePath and attach the file created based on the employee name (same as above). I tried to simply list the variable $FilePath in the attach > file path, but with no luck


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Yes, but the same result. It may be a system issue. Even when I put in a direct path to an existing file, it appears to stall: It will add the recipients, but not the subject or message (or the attachment). If I uncheck the attachment box and run again, it will contain the subject and message.

Edited by crazybake
reran without attachment checkbox
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Just on the desktop and with no plug-ins. I am using Send Mail with a desktop client (not specifying the SMTP server) with Outlook 2016 and have not checked to see if there are any issues.

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Probably because the developer is on a Mac but that doesn't mean that the problem is happening on a Mac.  Also, Outlook is mentioned and Outlook is far more popular on Windows which makes me ask for clarification.

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2 hours ago, Ted S said:

Outlook is far more popular on Windows which makes me ask for clarification

Outlook and FileMaker do not always play well together. Did your read the link posted by Agnes Riley?

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1 hour ago, Lee Smith said:

Outlook and FileMaker do not always play well together. Did your read the link posted by Agnes Riley?

I did. In fact I experience the Outlook 32 bit vs 64 bit problem first-hand which is why I asked whether this is happening on Windows or Mac.

The author's original post suggests that it is a Mac problem (filemac:Macintosh...) but it doesn't hurt to confirm. Maybe he doesn't realize that Windows and Mac use a different syntax.

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This topic is 2886 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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