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FMSP Update --> FMSP 4.6.8 Live now, and FREE!!

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Hi All,

So FMSP... has been recently updated to version 4.6.8...and is now available at www.fmstartingpoint.com.  There were a few User Interface bugs, and coding errors that have been corrected.  In Addition, we have added FM Cloud Support to our PSOS scripts, to allow you to take full advantage of all of FileMaker's latest offerings..   Super cool!!!  As always... this is a free product.  There is a BUG submitter tool... built in... if you visit the preferences screen so that you may submit any bugs you find, directly to us.   

If you are interested in our Design team assisting you with your database... to make it look, and function, just as well as FMSP... then email us at [email protected]


Edited by Jonathan Hogle
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FM Cloud PSOS Fixes from 4.6.6/4.6.7 --->  4.6.8




Script #0001


Line 7 Calc Change:  PatternCount ( Get(ApplicationVersion) ; "Server" ) > 0


Line 44 Calc change:  PatternCount ( Get(HostApplicationVersion) ; "Server" ) > 0  and 

PatternCount ( Get(ApplicationVersion) ; "Server" ) = 0



Script #0581

Line 24 Calc Change:  If ( PatternCount ( Get(ApplicationVersion) ; "Server" ) > 0 ; "PSOS/SASE - " & Get ( UserName ) ; Get ( UserName ) )

Line 25 Calc Change:  Bold Green ( $$audit_log_action ) & "    /    " & 

"Client:  " & Get(ApplicationVersion) & " on " &  


If ( Get ( SystemPlatform ) = 1 ; "Platform=Mac Running Pro" ; "" ) &

If ( Get ( SystemPlatform ) = -2 ; "Platform=Win Running Pro" ; "" ) &

If ( Get ( SystemPlatform ) = 3 ; "Platform=iOS Running Go" ; "" ) &

If ( Get ( SystemPlatform ) = 4 ; "Platform=WebDirect" ; "" ) 



& "    /    " &  


If ( Get ( Device ) = 0 ; "Device=Unknown" ; "" ) &

If ( Get ( Device ) = 1 ; "Device=Mac" ; "" ) &

If ( Get ( Device ) = 2 ; "Device=Windown PC" ; "" ) & 

If ( Get ( Device ) = 3 ; "Device=iPad" ; "" ) & 

If ( Get ( Device ) = 4 ; "Device=iPhone or iPod Touch" ; "" ) 


& "    /    " &  


"Server:  " & Get ( HostApplicationVersion ) & "    /    HostName:" & Get ( HostName )

& "    /    Host App Version (Number): " & GetAsNumber ( Get ( HostApplicationVersion )  )




Script 0027:

Line 16 calc Change:   If ( PatternCount ( Get(ApplicationVersion) ; "Server" ) > 0 ; "PSOS/SASE - " & Get ( UserName ) ; Get ( UserName ) )


Line 17 Calc Change:  Bold Purple ( "Diagnostic Statup and Test of PSOS = Good!" ) & "    /    " & 

"Client:  " & Get(ApplicationVersion) & " on " &  


If ( Get ( SystemPlatform ) = 1 ; "Platform=Mac Running Pro" ; "" ) &

If ( Get ( SystemPlatform ) = -2 ; "Platform=Win Running Pro" ; "" ) &

If ( Get ( SystemPlatform ) = 3 ; "Platform=iOS Running Go" ; "" ) &

If ( Get ( SystemPlatform ) = 4 ; "Platform=WebDirect" ; "" ) 



& "    /    " &  


If ( Get ( Device ) = 0 ; "Device=Unknown" ; "" ) &

If ( Get ( Device ) = 1 ; "Device=Mac" ; "" ) &

If ( Get ( Device ) = 2 ; "Device=Windown PC" ; "" ) & 

If ( Get ( Device ) = 3 ; "Device=iPad" ; "" ) & 

If ( Get ( Device ) = 4 ; "Device=iPhone or iPod Touch" ; "" ) 


& "    /    " &  


"Server:  " & Get ( HostApplicationVersion ) & "    /    HostName:" & Get ( HostName )

& "    /    Host App Version (Number): " & GetAsNumber ( Get ( HostApplicationVersion )  )


Script 0050:


Line 24, change to calc:  PatternCount ( Get(HostApplicationVersion) ; "Server" ) > 0  and 

PatternCount ( Get(ApplicationVersion) ; "Server" ) = 0 and 

T14_PREFERENCES::flag_use_PSOS = "Yes" and

$$PSOS_currently_functional = "Yes" and

Get(ActiveModifierKeys) = 0


Line 26, Change to Script Parameter:  "Dashboard Charts and Calcs Updated by PSOS |  Requested by: " & Get(AccountName) & " | " & Get(UserName)


Before anyone asks... we normally don't provide this level of detail for a FREE product.  This sort of detail... we normally don't preserve.  HOWEVER...you can get this sort of data... if you run your various copies of FMSP through a reporting tool.  - RC

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