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Portal auto sizing

Hashir Raja

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Hi, this is my first post here. I am very impressed with the power of Filemaker Pro. I think of myself as between novice and intermediate user. I am in the middle of creating a database for an office. 

I have a question regarding layout sizing and portals. At the moment, in layout mode, my layout is 1024 x 768. I have auto sizing on to fit onto different screen sizes. Everything was working out great until I hit a bump. My portal is in this layout. I have the portal to resize when in browse mode. This works well. However, my problem is this: 

There is a lot of room in the portal in browse mode however, since in my portal size is small in layout mode, I am not able to fit all fields in there. If I put fields off to the right which gets out of the layout boundaries, the portal does not catch the field in browse mode. I hope I explained this well.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Edited by Lee Smith
Removed the formatting of the text
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It's a little hard to understand you're description.  I think what your saying is that when you switch to Browse mode, you have some empty space on the layout and you would like the portal to expand in width.  If so, I would check the anchors in the inspector, under the Position Tab, and make sure you have them set to expand in width.  If the portal is in a tab control, you would also need the tab control anchors to expand in width. 

If I am incorrect, could you please show some screen shots of the layout in Layout mode, and Browse mode.

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Hi, thanks for the reply. 

I'll add screen shots when I get back to my laptop. 

The portal is anchored and it sizes properly when switching to browse mode. 

The issue is, I have layout view set to 1024 x 768. The portal in layout mode is small due to layout size and it does not fit all my fields. In browse mode, since I have auto sizing, the portal expands and has room for more fields. 

I would like to keep the layout small to fit smaller monitor sizes as well as bigger ones. 

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Okay, I have pics below to describe the situation.

One is layout mode, and other is browse mode.

Basically, as you can see in the 1st pic, layout mode, I have the layout sized at 1024 x 768. This way I can fit the monitor size that is small as well as larger. I have everything anchored. The portal and the tab control are both anchored to stretch left and right. In layout mode, the portal is sized to fit the layout. If you see, there is no more space to put more fields as the portal space is full.

However, when you go to browse mode, as in the 2nd pic, the portal extends and more space is available for the fields.

I would like to keep the layout size to what it is now because we have some computers that have small monitors and large monitors. I would like this to work with all sizes.



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Could you make the portal bigger so it stretches into the gray area and put the extra fields in it? That might cut off the scroll bar I suppose in smaller screen sizes.

Otherwise I think you'll have to make your layout wider so you can make the portal bigger and still responsive. You'll just have to be careful to test it on smaller displays. Another option is to have more than one layout, one for wider screens, one for smaller screens and switch between them dynamically.

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