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Data Management


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I'm trying to implement a current file maker solution, into the cloud with amazon web services.  I seem to have been able to set it up, but I have a couple of questions that I'm unsure of.

1.) How do I handle external file storage?  For example I have documents that may be edited on a laptop, but I want the office computer to have the latest copy.

2.) I have a number of scripts to manage the data, php, applescript, etc.

I'm not sure what the best way to handle this is.  Any tips, or FM cloud for dummies ?



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again thanks - I know this is OT but would the web page would still use PHP script which the REST API refers to?

4 minutes ago, Claus Lavendt said:

Yes, although you'll need to host that website on another webserver and then exchange data, through the Data REST API with the FileMaker databases.


understood as Im already hosting FM data on a website using the PHP API

Edited by Aussie John
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