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Save Records to PDF crash

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I recently updated my computer to Win 10 from Win 7. In the old Win 7 computer everything worked fine when I saved to PDF.

After the update the Save Records as PDF causes FIleMaker 16 Advanced to crash. It happens in every database that has Save to PDF in a script.

It does not happen in FileMaker 13 Advanced,  It does not happen in FileMaker 14 Advanced but it happens in FileMaker 15 Advanced.

Any idea what is causing this issue?





I tested also FileMaker Pro 16 and I have the same results.

And also on my client computer using Win 10 Pro version 10.0.16299 with FileMaker Pro 16, version and it works there like charm.



My windows version is 10.0.15063

My FileMaker Pro version is

My FileMaker Pro Advanced version is




Hi bcoone

I made a new database and tested the Save Records as Pdf and used the same method as in the old script. It works as expected in the new database.

How do I check for corrupted fonts?  Is this post helpful? https://community.filemaker.com/thread/165148

I have attached one of the layouts I am printing as PDF.



Layout to print to PDF.png


Thank you bcooney

I tried the workaround with no luck.

On recommendation is to remove the Arial font and reinstall with a clean copy.  Try that next.




One more test:

I made a new layout with the theme minimalist

Copied some of the layout part in the layout I sent to you. Mainly the text items.

Changed the font in all fields to Calibri and the database saves the form to PDF !!!

If I add a Chart or picture to the layout and try to save to PDF it does not work. FileMaker Pro crashes.

If I take out Chart or picture the save to pdf works fine.

This is getting strange




Layout print without chart.png


And one more test.

I added a Graph on the layout in the new database and the results are the same. If there is a Graph on the layout the pdf will not print and the database crashes.

Getting frustrating.




This sounds like a painful exercise. Sorry for your troubles.

Unfortunately it sounds like this this is more along the lines of split half research or rather trial and error.

Have you tried addig a small simple image or chart and see what that does?

I heard FM16 is posing new challenges from a plug-in developer.

What version of Java do you have installed? Maybe you have an incompatible version.

Are you trying to print natively (save records as PDF)? Have you tried using a plug-in, such as BE or MBS to print a PDF?

At any rate, hood luck and keep us posted. Chances are you're not alone with this issue.


Hi Reynir,

Why not post a copy of the Mockup file you made as a test?

I don't have a Window Machine, so I can't test it in the Window, but I would be happy to test it on my Mac. I'm sure someone with a Window Machines would be happy to also test.

This article by Ocean West explains how to protect your confidential information. 

Anatomy of a Good Topic



  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all.

Problem solved.

I contacted FileMaker support and they asked me if I used Icelandic letters for the Windows user name.  It was the case.

Their tip was: "Can you confirm that there are no special characters in your Windows User home folder?" and they confirmed a bug when using special letters: "By special characters, I mean any accents on a letter (for example é or à). Any characters of this type included in the Windows User Home folder name can cause a bug with FileMaker, where you are unable to export PDFs with certain image types. This is a known issue and will be fixed in a future update."

I used "Reynir"  as the name of the user on the old computer but "Reynir Þrastarson" as the user on the new computer. The letter "Þ" is a special Icelandic letter.

When I added a user with the user name "Reynir" to the new computer and opened the database in FileMaker 16 Advanced everything worked as expected.

Thank you all for your time.






Hi Reynir and Thank you for sharing this.

Did they make a report that we can link it to?


This topic is 2594 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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