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Posted (edited)
import groovy.json.JsonOutput

class Person { String name }

def result = JsonOutput.toJson(new Person(name: 'John'))

This 'should just work' - this is Groovy 2.4.0

Mac 10.12.6

Scriptmaster 5.07 up to 5.1

all fail with this

Ideas on a postcard please...I

Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at 14.21.35.png


BUT it does work all the way back in 4.42 and FM15


Edited by john renfrew
Posted (edited)

Hi John,

this was a compatibility issue in combination with Java 9 and is fixed since Groovy 2.4.6. You ran into it since Scriptmaster on OSX ships with Java 9 now...

System.setProperty("groovy.json.faststringutils.disable", trueshould work, but I have no way to test it, as I'm on Windows (Java 8 ) at the moment.

For reference see: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GROOVY-7716

Edited by paja


Almost certainly the issue

line might be ==

System.properties['groovy.json.faststringutils.disable'] = true

it still doesn't fix the problem as it thinks it has no way to convert a [B to a [C



I pm'd you a download link to a build of ScriptMaster that uses Groovy 2.4.10 . After installing it, I ran the code you posted above in a ScriptMaster module and got:



as the return. Not sure if that is the expected output or if I did something wrong so I wanted to see if you could try and see if this update to Groovy resolved the issue. Please let me know what you find.



It looks I have the similar problem with Groovy JsonSlurper. It works perfectly in SM 4.42 / FMPA 14 (Mac Os 10.13.5, but also Win10):

import groovy.json.*;

def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
def result = slurper.parseText('{"person":{"name":"Guillaume","age":33,"pets":["dog","cat"]}}')
return result;

properly returns:

{person={age=33, name=Guillaume, pets=[dog, cat]}}


but in SM 5.1 / FMPA17 throws error:


java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException






Could you send me download link sent to John? Maybe it can solve also my problem?


Thanks a lot Ryan.

Yes, I confirm JsonSluper is working now, but with small, not complicated json strings (like in my previous post - it's improvement. But it hangs on bigger and more complicated json, wich SM4.42 / FMPA14 works with without any problems. I tried to change JsonParserType, but command:

parser = new JsonSlurper().setType(JsonParserType.CHARACTER_SOURCE)

throws error:

java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

The default JsonParserType is CHAR_BUFFER.

Do you have any idea how to solve this problem? 







There was a massive change to Slurper after Groovy 1.8, but having said that

from the API docs >>


INDEX_OVERLAY should be your parser of choice.

CHAR_BUFFER is the parser of choice due to element of least surprise and need to mimic existing Slurper behavior as much as possible.

Use CHARACTER_SOURCE for large file parsing.

Use LAX if you want to enable relaxed JSON parsing, i.e., allow comments, no quote strings, etc.

Use CHAR_BUFFER for a non-fancy but super fast parser.


Use Cases:

Use LAX for config files as it allows comments. Use INDEX_OVERLAY for REST calls, WebSocket messages, AJAX, inter process communication, etc. Use CHAR_BUFFER if eager parsing of ints, dates, longs, are appealing. Use CHARACTER_SOURCE if you are dealing with large JSON files over 2MB. INDEX_OVERLAY is highly tuned for object deserialization from JSON.


Try the other parameters??



I saw it in API docs, but any try to change JsonParserType fails (I can't change it to any other). I tried all solutions found in web.




Posted (edited)


Thanks a lot for your efforts with my problem.

Using below code with  5.001 SM plugin as alone plugin installed in FMPA for Central Europe (delivered by Winsoft not Filemaker directly):

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper;

parser = new JsonSlurper();
result = parser.parseText('{"person":{"name":"Guillaume","age":33,"pets":["dog","cat"]}}');
return result;

returns as expected:

{person={name=Guillaume, age=33, pets=[dog, cat]}}

But code:

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper;

parser = new JsonSlurper().setType(JsonParserType.CHARACTER_SOURCE);
result = parser.parseText('{"person":{"name":"Guillaume","age":33,"pets":["dog","cat"]}}');
return result;

throws error:


like in attached picture.


The same error with 1-st code (without setType) throws when I try to parse more complicated Json object consists from over 2000 of arrays. The same Json limited to few arrays works OK. This is the reason to try setType, but as you see without success. If you like I can send you by mail 2 files which I'm speaking about (complicated and simplified).

Do you have any idea what can be the reason why setType works for John but not for me?

Best regards,


Edited by marek

what answers do you get from the following??


return GroovySystem.version

return System.getProperty('java.version')





I sent you my Json files (json part1 is working, json full ... is hanging filemaker)


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