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Maximum Number of users


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I was using FileMaker 5.5 to host a number of online databases. This morning users started getting a "maximum number of useres exceeded" message.

I thought that this wouldn't be a problem as I understood users only spend a fraction of a second when accessing databases via the web. A co-worker of mine told me that FileMaker 5.5 only allows 10 people to access database during the course of a day. I know this can't be right, but then why were users getting this message?

I've returned to FileMaker 5 Unlimited and it seems to be working fine at this point.

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Your co-worker is correct. Only 10 IP addresses can access FM in a 24 hours period. This is not a technical limitation, but a licensing one. To handle more users you must purchase FileMaker Unlimited. The limitation of 10 is to allow you to develop solutions or do limited in-house hosting. When you want to deploy, you need to buy Unlimited and spend the big bucks.


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Ah, I see.

That puts me in a bit of a pickle with a new database I'm working on. It uses a send mail script with Outlook as the client. FM 5 doesn't work with Outlook and everyone tells me 5.5 unlimited isn't available yet. Funny, I see some people on this forum are using 5.5 unlimited already. Maybe the Windows version came out first?

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I'm actually having the same problem. I'm using FileMaker Server 5 running on a NT 4.0 machine to host a couple online databases, and every few days users get a "maximum number of users exceeded" message when they'd try to access the databases through a browser. One of my coworkers had actually told me that this was a limitation of NT workstation, not Filemaker. But after doing some searching on the Filemaker site and in these forums, the limit is 10 IP's per 12 hour period. I'm thinking about getting Filemaker Unlimited and using it instead to do web-hosting. I'm just curious as to how the web-server part of it works. Does it work like any other web server, in the sense that connections are handled through TCPIP? In other words, you won't need a separate windows domain login in order to remotely access the database using a web browser?

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Filemaker Unlimited is EXACTLY like any other copy of Filemaker Pro client, with the exception that it will allow and unlimited amount of IP connections.

The proper configuration would call for Filemaker Server hosting the databases, Filemaker Unlimited opening the database for access via the web, Filemaker Pro client for accessing the database by internal workstations.

While technically possible Filemaker Unlimited should not be used to actually host the database for internal users to access, nor should a web browser be used internally to simply end-around the cost of purchasing Filemaker Pro client licenses.

Trust me when I say that the performance (thus enhanced productivity), security and stability benefits of the Server/Unlimited/Client method far outweigh the costs.

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What's the best plugin for sending/receiving mail?

Also, Kurt, are you saying that I should run both Filmaker Unlimited and FMS on the same server? Use FMS to host the database and Unlimited to open them for the web?

I've never tried this and I'm not sure how it should be done.

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There are 2-3 mail plug-in's available. I've used SMTPit to good effect. All of them offer free demos, so you can actually try them before purchase. Go to FMI's web site (www.filemaker.com) and do a plug-in search.

You should NOT run FM Server and Unlimited on the same machine. Performance will be terrible and stability will suffer.


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