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E-Mail of Form

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I would like to be able to send an E-Mail of an Invoice. This would be a standard FM layout with a header,body and sub-total. The header would contain the customer information and the body will contain the items on the invoice and the sub-total would contain the invoice total. I believe that there are plug-ins that will allow me to do this but I am not aware of them. Does any one have any suggestions on a plug-in that will allow me to do this. It is for FM 5.5 on a Mac. Thanks.

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Ahhh, you cannot e-mail FM layouts. E-mail is information. You can send the data from the record, and perhaps format the mail message to make it look nicer.

If your database is web-shared you could send a URL and points to the server/database/record directly. Then they'll see the web-rendered version of the database.

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You obviously need to write the text or html for the contents of the email. If he is talking about automatically converting a layout into an email I don't know of any such solution However, we have gone close by printing a preview to a pdf and then by ActiveX calling the email program with the attached pdf.

I believe with a bit of thought and some Applescript/ActiveX scripting this could be done without too much effort.

Might be onto something here! wink.gif" border="0

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Just to close this out in case someone wants to do the same thing, I have found that I can use the plug-in called ExportFM to create a jpeg image of a previewed report in Filmaker. Multiple pages in the previewed form result in multiple jpeg images. These can then be emailed as attachments with your browser. I could find no solution that would allow emailing directly from Filemaker.

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This topic is 8221 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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