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best network configuration?

david s

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hello this is my question:

i have server1 with public ip running iis5

i have server2 running fmp unlimited

which is the best congiguration to publish db on web?


server1: public ip with wsc on port 80 connected to server2

server2: public ip with fmp unlim on port 80


server1: public ip with wsc on port 80 connected to server2

server2: private ip (192.......) on port 80 passed by a firewall

so what is the best configuration to use one server as web server and one server as db server?

hope my english is not so bad...thanks in advance


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I'm working on it, this is my progress...

i've set a web server (WEB)with public ip with iis5 and wsc

then i've set a db server (DB)with flp unlimited and custom web publishing on port 80

wsc is configured to view database on DB and it displays them correctly.

And now?

What i have to do to let the web visitors to interact with databases?

What are the links to put on my pages and where the pages must be? on WEB or on DB? I think they should be on SERVER and then the request should be redirected to DB by wsc....and then displayed for the visitors. but i don't know how to do it...

before this configuration i've set a server with all on it (IIS, FMP) and everything worked fine. Know i want to divide the web server from the db server in order to use the port 80 as the only port for db and http. The only methos should be to use one machine for web and one machine for db, but i don't know how to make the two machine talk each other.


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hei, i'm still working on it.

now this is the problem:

if i put i link like this on a page on WEB:


it gives: error 500 internal server error

if i put:

"http://ip(of my machine running dbs)/FMPro?-db=mydatabase.fp5&-lay=formato&-format=test2.html&-find"

it works!

what is the problem? i don't want to use the ip but i want WSC does it for me!

it seems to me something on my iis5 is missing and the web server can't allocate the answer! maybe the WSC has problem? or isapi filters? or privilegies?

thanks.... (i'm posting replyes to myself till now....)

help needed

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there are many ways of configure that set up. Each different configuration will be declared by webmaster as the best and everyone will claim something different.

I will say it lot depends on traffic for static and dynamic pages.

To your last problem -- maydomain point to single IP. Are you using the same IP and that is what works?

Also, firewall looks like better protection, but since all requests are handled by WSC and because FM is wide open to hackers equipped by just browser, you will not protect your databases.

You may browse this forum and found many complaints and rants (also mine) but FM Inc. response is much much worse, than usual Microsoft response. That is Apple Inc. company and that is their usual position. Never ever admit, that there is a problem. And the problem is there for 3 years without single response!

I am so disappointed by all this, that I would like to switch to something better. It is hard after my 10 years investment to gain FM knowledge...

[ January 19, 2002: Message edited by: Anatoli ]

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thanks for your answer i'll explain it better:


(iis5 and wsc on port 80 that find test.fp5 and start.html)


(fmp on port 80 with test.fp5 and test2.html)

if you click this url (not real) "http://www.mydomain.com/FMPro?-db=mydatabase.fp5&-lay=formato&-format=test2.html&-find"

it gives: error 500 internal server error

if you click this url (not real) "http://my DBSERVER IP/FMPro?-db=mydatabase.fp5&-lay=formato&-format=test2.html&-find"

it goes ok!

note: www.mydomain.com as the ip

my DB SERVER IP has the ip

if i'm not wrong WSC should redirect the request from the WEB SERVER to the DB SERVER and then fill the CDML tags (of the page in Web folder on DBSERVER) and serve it to the web visitor. is this correct?

thanks anatoli


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one more consideration:

i'm doing this with the only objective to serve my database only on port 80 because i'm finding problems with my web audience behind a firewall (not every lan administrator knows about the port 591)!!!!

so if you find a solution about the port 80 ...


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You are absolutely correct.

It looks, like your syntax is working great with your db machine. I bet there is some kind of problem between WSC and WC communication. Set them both to any other port like 591 or 5591 or 9000 -- something what is not used in other communications between servers.

Hope that helps!

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i've tried to change port but i have again the same error:

error 500 internal server error

I think this is caused by some strange configuration in IIS5... ISAPI FILTERS or PRIVILEGIES...

WSC find all the dbs over my network so it talks with WC on the right port... the problem comes out when IIS try to execute something like the request of the web visitor passing trought the WSC... maybe the FMWSC ISAPI FILTER?

I've noticed during installation of WSC that the WSCFILTER is placed in the wwwroot/scripts... access privilegies?


Is that filter used by WSC only for the administrator configuration or for the web requests?

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AFAIK -- you must use for administrating WSC Administrator password and you must put all users and passwords from Web Security database to Windows security.

That is very clumsy, but the result is great. Database must have password with export privileges; WC must have couple of passwords and then the server security. But it works.

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tha's what i have done.

I've tryed also to configure a new server and this is what i've found:

IIS5: naturally working on port 80

WC: cannot work on port 80 so i've put to port 591

WSC: connected to WC on port 591

Everything seems ok but when i click a link as:


i get an error 500: internal server error.

Note: MY DIRECTORY is a subdirectory in WEB FLOLDER

At this point i think :



help seriosly needed

thanks to all missionaries that will help me!!!!

david s

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I do not know about possible problems.

I am testing only couple of days the WSC, because it is not in my responsibility list and I am just curious. I am testing the WSC on W2000 workstation with PWS and it works and it is incredibly fast.

Is your setup working as it is with WC connection on 591 and browser? If yes, that shows the FM stuff is OK.

Second, try to set your HOME directory in IIS to "Web" directory of FM folder. If that is working, you shouldn't worry about compatibility.

Third, create Web folder in IIS structure and copy your entire FM "Web" HTML files with structure there.

Will something work better?

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thanks anatoli, but see what i've done.. it does'nt work!

TEST1 (port 591)

IIS5 (win y2k server)


The home directory oh my site is MYSITE


WSC sees all the dbs opened





IIS5: the pages are in folders as the test1


WSC as the test1



it gets error 500: internal server error!!!!!!!


thanks again

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Did you try the:

...try to set your HOME directory in IIS to "Web" directory of FM folder. If that is working, you shouldn't worry about compatibility.

Third, create Web folder in IIS structure and copy your entire FM "Web" HTML files with structure there.

Is WSC "registered" in IIS?

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first. i've done what you're saying and all works only with port 591 (www.mysite.com:591/etc.....)

second. i've tried to move all to a iss directory and all works only with 591 port or with a link to the machine ip.

I mean: if i punt a link like this all goes great

if i put a link like www.mysite.com/FMPro?..... i get an error 500 internal server error.

any more suggestion?

what does it mean wsc registered?

thanks for your time

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RE: I mean: if i punt a link like this all goes great

if i put a link like www.mysite.com/FMPro?..... i get an error 500 internal server error.

That is probably some DNS resolution issue.

I am not Windows Server expert at all.

I am running PWS on 80, WSC pointing to WC port (I did try from 591 to 9999) everything on single W2000 workstation and I did some test hosting over my 64k ISDN and everything was fine and fast through port 80 from PWS. The WC port was also visible to the outside world, but I can block that with firewall.

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