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Using FMP to deliver dynamic web content

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Hello! Can anybody point me to any articles, tutorials, or general information about using a FileMaker Pro 5 database on a server to serve up dynamic content? I read an article about how to do this a long time ago and since then I haven't been able to find it. I am using Adobe GoLive to create the site, and Adobe claims that GoLive will interface with a FMP5 database to serve up dynamic content. I have been designing web sites for more than 5 years, but this is my first time delving into dynamic database driven content. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!

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I am using GL and FM together 4 years. The truth is that the CDML syntax is being handled with GL gracefully.

Don't you think any other way; GL will tell you, that you can use Dynamic Link with ODBC to interface with FM.

It will be faster to write the requested page and send it via Snail Mail smile.gif

Start with demo FM, download the CDML syntax database and try.

Do not work with scripts in FM for web.

This forum is great resource -- 100 times better than FileMaker and 1000 times better than Adobe.

People here will answer any sensible question.

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This topic is 8186 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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