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Limiting printing over a browser

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I am publishing a small database overan intranet but security is an issue and the viewers must not be able to print this d/base.

I have set all the preferences inFMP but am still able to print. from a remote browser. Is it possible to do this from fmp If not how can I do it....

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You do not have this sort of security with Web Publishing. If the database needs to be secure, disable Web Companion and get people to access it through the FMP client.

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Hi, I came across a JavaScript which forced printing to a particular frame. I've also seen protection against copy-and-paste. However, anyone can still just screenshot the page, or save out the html source.

If it's on the web, someone will figure out a way to get it......

regards, jeff

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A screen shot can be of a browser page or a db file layout. If there is data which is ok to print, then that data is ok to display. If there is data which is not ok to be seen then it is a matter of security, priviliges and design. Security and privileges (being not accidental) are part of design. It all comes down to design.

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There is no security.

If you are viewing a page in the web browser, it's been cached to disk. Open the file in the disk cache with a text or html editor and print it from there.

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