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FMP-Header Location doesn't work in Netscape?

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I'm trying trying to create a redirect page using the following code:

[FMP-If: CurrentToken:1 .eq. internal]



Location: FMPro?-DB=undertakings.fp5&-Format=acc-manager-undertakings-search.html&-Lay=search&-Op=cn&ProjectName=Internt&-Op=lte&Start=[FMP-CurrentToken:0]&-Op=gte&End=[FMP-CurrentToken:0]&- op=neq&useractive=0&-sortfield=FirstName&-sortOrder=ascend&-Max=200&-Token.0=[FMP-CurrentToken:0]&-Token.1=internal&-Error=ZErr.htm&-Find





It works fine in IE, but not at all in Netscape (goes to http://localhost/FMPro).

Does anyone know why / have a solution to this?

Kind regards,


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