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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

CDML/Portal Question

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I'm trying to use a web form to submit information. For some reason I cannot get the [FMP-Portal] tags to work in displaying portal fields, however, I was able to successfully submit data using the following code:


Show Name: <input type="text" size=12 name="TimeCardID::t_show.1" value="[FMP-field:TimeCardID::t_show]">


But, alas I cannot figure out how to properly add a pop-up value list display to these fields. Any thoughts?

PS I'm familiar with HTML and am currently learning CDML as I go with that reference tool.



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Or, if you are referring to, here is the chunk of code with the -lay tag.


<P><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-DB" VALUE="timeCard.fp5">

<P><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-LAY" VALUE="Form_View">

<P><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-FORMAT" VALUE="newreply.html">

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yeah, the portal works perfectly in the "Form_View" layout in the FM file. If I type data and submit it through this field:


Show Name: <input type="text" size=12 name="TimeCardID::t_show.1" value="[FMP-field:TimeCardID::t_show]">


The data submits just fine to the first portal row. But I can't figure out how to attach a value list retrieved from the FMP file to it.

On the other hand, if I try displaying portal rows using the [FMP-Portal:] tag, the web page does not render any code that appears between [FMP-Portal:] and [/FMP-Portal] . Nothing shows up where the portal and it's fields should be. Will it not display a portal on a new record submission page?

I'd prefer to use the former method for this page as opposed to the latter, so I'd like to figure out how to get the filemaker valuelists attached to the fields if possible. But, I'm sure I'm not getting something.


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thanks for the response Garry. The ValueList is indeed applied to the "t_show" field which exists in a portal on the layout. I just realized that the ValueList I am trying to apply is taken from a list in another file. Does this make a difference?

I've also noticed that if I create the submit fields this way


<select name="TimeCardID::t_show.1">

<option value ="">- No Selection -

[FMP-ValueList: TimeCardID::t_show.1, List=activeShowsList]





or this way


<select name="TimeCardID::t_show.1">

<OPTION VALUE="">- No Selection -

[FMP-option: TimeCardID::t_show.1, list=activeShowsList]



both will display the "- No Selection -" in the list, but none of the ValueList values.

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Ugh! That's it. If, in my FMP file I change the value list to "all values" fromt the field the list is created from it works. If I change it back to "related values only" it no longer works. Nuts! That makes the values lists very large and unuseful...

ah, well. At least we figured out what the problem was.

thanks for your help


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You will need to have the Portal on your Layout (it could be hidden if neccessary). You can then use the following CDML/HTML:

<select name="myfield">

<option value="">Select a Widget</option>


<option value="[FMP-Field:myvlistportal::field1]">[FMP-Field:myvlistportal::field2]</option>



Hope this is of interest.


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