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Error Message 972

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I've been using File Maker Pro 5 for over a year to publish 2 different databases over the web using Instant Web Publishing. It's been working just great, but I had a problem with more than 10 people needing to access the databases in a 12 hour period.

I recently installed File Maker Pro 5.5 Unlimited so more people could access the databases. It seems to work for most people. But some users receive a 972 error message when trying to access the database (sometimes it works fine but not always).

The File Maker Pro technician said it sounded like the file was corrupted and suggested that I create a new file. Which I did, but still had the same problem.

I had the user receiving the 972 message download and update his current version of Windows 98 and also Internet Explorer, but he still gets the same message. The weird thing is, he can access the database using Netscape Navigator but it will only let him view the database, it will not allow him to update or change the database over the internet. Since he needs to update information, this isn't very helpful.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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The database is password protected. I use one password for inquiry only and another password allows individuals to add, change or delete records in the file.

The file works fine for most people, but some people receive the 972 error message, just by clicking on the file. It doesn't even allow them to enter a password (wrong or right).

Thanks for any help you can give me.

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The browser could be to blame !

Maybe this is a message they had before and it's just coming from cache ?

Set the browser to

"Always update pages"

Other than that check the permissions very carefully.

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  • 2 years later...

Help! I have a client using Internet Explorer who is getting error message 972, and the page updating didn't help (I'm also using Explorer, and can access the database just fine). Any other suggestions?

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What platforms are you and the server on? What kind of connection? And what task is running (or being attempted) when you encounter this error?


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The database is being hosted on a PC, on a corporate server. I'm on a Mac (OS X) on a dial-up. The client who needs access to the database is currently on a PC, behind a corporate firewall (don't know whether that makes a difference). The client can access the home page, but when she tries to get into any of the files, she is prompted for a user name and password. She's tried using my user name and password, but that hasn't worked (though it works for me). For some reason, her password entry isn't working. Any clues?

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