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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Sub-Script non-execution

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I have encountered a very strange phenomenon in my DB: Sub-Scripts that used to run fine are being ignored. It is like my programming is starting to disintegrate. Did anyone of you encounter this problem. I am using FM 5.5 and 6 as well as FM Server 5.5. I tried all combination with the same effect.

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Hi Lee,

I tried that. I also tried duplicating a script that is similar that ran well and changing it... now both don't run.

But its a bit comforting, that you heard of this before



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I always stuff the files on my Mac before I use the server version. This problem still occurs if I am on a user computer. I also tried fixing it from the user computer as the files are online. When I tried fixing it on my Mac I disconnected it form the network so as to keep the server out.

Thanks though


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I found the error... and it qualifies as a FileMaker bug!

The script that did not execute was called from a script that was called by another. It seem that a "third level" call is ignored.



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When you call a subscript from your main script, make sure that you have the "Perform Sub-scripts" option checked. Otherwise, it won't allow your sub-script to call it's own sub-scripts.

Don't ask me why FMI made this optional. I've never found any reason why you would ever need to un-check it.

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This cannot be the reason

I don't remember off hand the "depth" subscripts can have but it is certainly more than 3 or 4 ...

Check if anywhere in the subscripts there is an Halt script step

Also double check any If () statement you might have used

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