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I am currently trying to develop on online evaluation form. The database as it stands right now is 1 evaluation record has many questions (1-many). Then each user who takes the online evaluation would create a response to each question and obviously each question can have many responses submitted by each user.

My problem is, figuring out how to execute creating multiple response records at the same time after the has answered a set of questions. The HTML page would display 10 questions at most(but may continue onto a new page for the next batch).

What I would like is that for each page of an evaluation form that contains the set of questions, the users answer the questions and click submit which would then create records in the response database for each of the questions. However in my past experience I have only been creating single records at a time in each HTML/CDML page.

Can anyone suggest on how I might be able to execute this.

Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks Anatoli for the response.

I would want to follow up, using JavaScript, could you maybe give me an idea on what javascript needs to do. I don't need the actual code just a basic idea as to what javascript needs to do.

The page will contain at most 10 questions and as I mentioned before maybe continued on another html page for more questions.

The Response record contains the following fields:

evaluation_keyno (number)

question_keyno (number)

selection_made (which is a field assigned with value list of radio buttons)

comments (text)

date_created (date auto-enter)

Would the HTML/JavaScript page perform several form submission which seems not an ideal solution considering this is obviously a slow response to users.

I'm leaning towards some kind of global field for the selection_made field and comments field and a script in FileMaker that creates the records that will create the response records as it traverses through the global field.

Not sure on how to implement placing all the responses in a form field using JavaScript.

I would appreciate any help or advice if I am headed towards the wrong direction on this.



I actually read through this thread prior to posting this question and I did consider the ramifications of doing so. Though there are parallels with my thread and the said thread regarding multiple records, mine does not involve any issue with data intergrity problems of multiple updates. Once the records are created, they cannot be changed (in the user perspective obviously).

However I still go back to my initial question on how to implement multiple creation of records. I realize that it maybe slow since multiple records are created at one time. Which is why designing I'm designing the pages to be in groups of 10 questions at most in one page. There is the option of having one question per page which seems the most easiest but not necessarily the best practice in mutliple questions (imagine having to go through 20 questions 1 page at a time.

I have considered and weighed out the options and I still end up with the need to create multiple records and implementing it is my main concern and problem doing so using JavaScript.



The reason behind 10 records is each question can have many responses but only one per user. One important thing is 1 evaluation maps to many questions which maybe anything between 10-30 evaluation questions.

It wouldn't be right to have 10 fields because this would limit the number of questions to only 10. One of the items in the project scope is the ability to create/add questions easily. Also each question has two parts, the radio button choices and the comments field.

Below is the structure of a response record:

The Response record contains the following fields:

evaluation_keyno (number)

question_keyno (number)

selection_made (which is a field assigned with value list of radio buttons)

comments (text)

date_created (date auto-enter)

These questions are created by staff writers and non technical individuals so I'm creating something fairly flexible to meet their on-demand needs.


I am still not in picture on this one. You can have lot of fields in FM record e.g. 500. So one single person will fill 5 of them, another visitor 50. What is the problem?

Sometimes we are solving problem, which in fact can be avoided by different design.


Unless the user submits each answer at a time, the best solution may be a combination of PHP and FM.

PHP would look at the answers as an Array. It could then use "readfile()", or similar function. This would add the answers, as records, to the related responses file.

Lasso may be able to do something similar!

All the best.



Thanks for all the info and help. As Anatoli mentioned,

"Sometimes we are solving problem, which in fact can be avoided by different design."

Guess I'm headed back to the white board on this...

I guess it's those markers that is making me not think straight. :-)

Oh instead of CDML, I'm actually thinking of using PHP but then again, plans might change....

Thanks again for all the help and advice.


"I guess it's those markers that is making me not think straight. :-)"

--drawing a rainbow with all the markers will improve your thinking process laugh.gif

"I'm actually thinking of using PHP "

-- by all means if you are skilled in PHP or want to learn it (it's a bit higher learning curve but you learn the syntax for much more powerfull language than just CDML tags)


All the best


I cannot guess how does the security work in php.

I know Lasso is easier to master, than php.

Lasso is secure, or the Lasso methods are.

Lasso IS expensive.

But Lasso is cheaper if you want to compile web application, than php.


"But Lasso is cheaper if you want to compile web application, than php. "

I guess it depends how u define the compleate web app. BUT:

-PHP is free, MySQL is free,IIS is included/free, Apache is free, Linux is free......u pay for the FM side.

now the time to learn all this....is a whole another story.


all the best


Wow! I had never heard of the Zend Encoder before.

I had to do a bit of reading to find-out what it does. It is an encoder for distributing your php applications in non-human readable form. It includes an "Engine" for decoding into php for processing by a php server.

PHP is open source and is free for Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, and Windoz. The Zend Encoder is only for encrypting your source code for distributing applications in non-human readable form.

A lot of hosting sites offer PHP as a standard feature.

All the best. smile.gif



RE: It includes an "Engine" for decoding into php for processing by a php server

The same as any Lasso 6.

I believe the Zend Company is behind php.

In any case, as developer, once you will have to compile php it will set you back twice then Lasso.

Also, Lasso has easier syntax for me than php.


My point is that you do not "Compile" php. As far as I know no compliers exist for php.

This Zend thing is simply for securing your source code so that people cannot read it (and steal it). It is not a compiler.

Again, PHP is not compiled. PHP is not compiled. PHP is not compiled.

You do not have to pay anything to use php for very large, and complex, web applications. As I do.

I hope that this is clear.

All the best.



Yes I know, it is not compiler into machine code, it is just to protect intellectual property blah, blah, blah...

The same as Lasso.

In any case, the same full functionality as in Lasso cost more in php!

In any case, the same full functionality as in Lasso cost more in php!

In any case, the same full functionality as in Lasso cost more in php!


"it is just to protect intellectual property"


You guys are confusing FosilFM beyond this post... laugh.gif


What is there to protect? Your code?-if "they" get to the code then u have other issues to worry about...but PHP is not 'readable' by simply using a browser.

Linux is free but YES if u do walk in 'PC Club' or 'BestBuy' they will ask you to pay $30-40 for CDs and, although open source, you can not run out of the store without paying laugh.gif.

Also, if you run a 'major' server(services) on open source you can by choice give the company (eg. RedHat) some $$$ for guarantee of updates and that they have been tested blah blah blah.

in other words:

Sure I will glagly sell ice to anyone who wants to buy it and I will gurantee 110% that IF kept in working freezer it will be good and safe FOREVER! laugh.gif

so, any takers? only $9.99 per 10 kg

....pure...filtered...cold....undestructable...refreshing...can be used with alcohol drinks....: improves foreplay....and the best of all you get my 24/7 live support if anything goes wrong with the product!

All the best!


Sublime - when a solid changes to a gas without becoming a liquid. An example of this working is the ice in the icecube tray which, if left alone for a long enough period, disappears.

Had I spent $9.99, you would owe me $10.99 (plus 110% of the 10k shipping).

I'll be happy if you send just the dollar and, being the generous person I am, I'll forgive the shipping difference.

When you send it, that truly will be sublime. laugh.gif


You obviously know what sublime is, just picked a bad example.

From what I remember of my chemistry, very few things sublimate -- pass from solid to gasseous state without passing through the liquid form. Iodine is one; carbon dioxide is another (dry ice). Ice and water do not, at least at normal temperatures and pressures.

A guy on another list I read once made a comment about bad combinations: "... like putting a Toyota engine into a Lexus."


Lexus *IS* Toyota smile.gif

RE: What is there to protect? Your code?

Yes. I am the author of solution and depending on my contract users of that solutions are sometimes not getting the code. It is the same like with FileMaker.

Why is FM protecting my/your code? Exactly the same reason: protection of intellectual property.

So again:

The same full functionality as in Lasso cost more in php!

The same full functionality as in Lasso cost more in php!

The same full functionality as in Lasso cost more in php!


smile.gif LOL...

I really doubt that anyone can steal your PHP much like ASP...unless your server has weaknesses and bad rights/config. Here...this is a server that has not been maintanted or firewalled or updated for over a year....try and get the 'unprotected' code http://books.ulv.edu and tell me about sessions and qerries and whatever you find out....and then tell me how usefull is the info you managed to get. Here is also a connection file to the database : http://books.ulv.edu/Connections/books.asp

PHP behaves much like it....

Anyway, I am still selling my ice and Uable I will send you 50 kg and whatever sublime you find u can keep but you are still getting those 10 kg as promissed....therefor where is my payment laugh.gif

p.s. poor FosilFM we took over this post with out blob-posts!

All the best!


I am not talking 'bout visitors, I can produce locked code solution in FM and also in Lasso. So my customer can use it but cannot change it.

Or can pay more and have full access.

THAT you cannot do with just php. You need the ZEND for two and halve grand.




I don't spend that much time looking into my "inventory" in the fridge but I will take your word for it smile.gif [ do you want to work as a consultant for my "Ice_House" laugh.gif]

well...looks like we have many branches of science represented in here...good to know smile.gif


in that case go for it...I just never heard of 'locking' code for the customer...that is like if you bought the car and the dealer said that you will never never be able to look under the hood and change the oil yourslef! How would you feel about that?

...that is exactly how I would feel if I was your customer and u come to me with your ZEND thing.....

THE point is > ZEND is NOT neccessary for any PHP processing/parsing/compliling or what not...it is Your tool of choice

or am I out of the line with this?


It depends on the contract.

I can develop nice solution, which will cost 10k, but customer has only 1k.

I can sell that solution to him/her for that kind of money, provided, I will own the code and I can modify the solution as I wish. And my customer can use it as he/she wishes, but it is not entitled to the source and source changes.

I think it is fair deal for both sides.

For that you need Master Password Access in FM. And some kind of translator for web serving.

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