MattCoyne Posted June 8, 2003 Posted June 8, 2003 Hi First post so please be kind... (!) I am currently hammering through Filemaker Pro 6 Web Development in conjunction with a live project (I am a fool to myself). My background is the web side rather than Filemaker and I am using my experience with Javascript & HTML to beef up what I can achieve with CDML. I may be going about this completely the wrong way, so please step in at any time... I need to set a 'month start date' and 'month finish date' for a calendar using a calculated result (from a javascript) and an inline... phew! This is what I have placed in the body of the html file: <script language="JavaScript"> document.write("[FMP-InlineAction: -db=DBNAME, -lay=LAYOUTNAME, -RecID={CurrentRecID}, MONTH START DATE="+stDate+", MONTH FINISH DATE="+fnDate+", -edit][/FMP-InlineAction]"); </script> Should this work? I am getting no response at the filemaker end, ie the record is not being updated. When I do a simple javascript alert of the same string the alert box is blank indicating a blank string. Also the html source looks like this when viewed <script language="JavaScript"> document.write(""); </script> btw, the variables stDate and fnDate have been tested separately and do exist And I know that spaces are not supposed to be used in CDML (or any web stuff really) but I'm working with a filemaker developers db's. Therefore not much control. Anyway using this method without Javascript (ie hard coded values) works. Has anyone any ideas as to what I am doing wrong? Can this be done? Is there another way of doing it? TIA Matt
Anatoli Posted June 8, 2003 Posted June 8, 2003 Maybe problem is that you are trying to trigger Inline -- server processed routine -- from JS in browser processed routine.
MattCoyne Posted June 8, 2003 Author Posted June 8, 2003 Anatoli , thanks for the quick reply. Having read a load of posts on this forum I am honoured to have your attention!! Maybe I am going about this the wrong way then. Let me explain what I am trying to achieve. User enters section of site on a login page User enters 'username', 'password' and clicks login User is validated and is shown calendar for current month with various events particular to that user The filemaker db's that are used have been created by a filemaker developer already and I am following his lead - at the moment. He has a layout that displays the users bookings that month based on a User ID and Start/End Date for the month. I am using this layout to do the same on the web page. ie User logs in, I do a find for that username/password combo. The next bit is where I may be wrong in my approach. I need to set the start/end dates of the month before returning the months events to be sure the layout is set to the current month and I return the current values for that month. Sooo... when user clicks login, format file returns correct User ID and I use this page as an intermediate 'logging you in...' screen where I place an Inline that sets the start/end date of the current User ID... the page is set to refresh on 1/2 seconds to the next format file which does a find on the same layout with the same User ID with the start/end dates set correctly and thus displaying the correct month. It seems a long winded way of doing things , but it is how my mind is working at the minute!! I cannot do a login (-find) and an -edit at the same time so I thought the intermediate file would be a good stepping stone to perform the -edit. I need to set the current month's start/end date at login as the user can flick between months while within the calendar section. Therefore when logging out the start/end days may be different from the current month's when logging in next time. Does this make sense? Do you need to see the html page? Any help gratefully received! TIA Matt
Unable Posted June 8, 2003 Posted June 8, 2003 "The filemaker db's that are used have been created by a filemaker developer already and I am following his lead ..." "The next bit is where I may be wrong in my approach. " " be sure the layout is set to the current month..." Well, instead of following the lead of someone who may well understand peer-to-peer solution design but whose knowledge of web desing may be lacking, you might try having just one layout in your db file which is devoted strictly to the browser solution. Common name choices for this layout are "web" and "cgi" (e.g. name="-lay" value="cgi"). That layout should have all the fields of that db file which are pertinent to the web solution. The only thing looking at that web dedicated layout is another computer, vis a vis a browser. There is no need to navigate through peer-to-peer designed layouts. Obviously, you are familiar with web design so your format files are basically HTML. What ever fields/data you want to display at any given time are similarly controlled through the use of the CDML tags. BTW, do you have a copy of the CDMLRD? It is very useful.
MattCoyne Posted June 8, 2003 Author Posted June 8, 2003 " might try having just one layout in your db file which is devoted strictly to the browser solution...There is no need to navigate through peer-to-peer designed layouts." "BTW, do you have a copy of the CDMLRD? It is very useful." I do have the CDMLRD thanks and yes it is very useful. I appreciate your advice, the book I am referencing advises the same thing, 'web' layouts and I am in the process of moving over to them. At this point I am still stuck with the bigger picture which is either about my approach to the login/show calendar events and/or the use of Javascript with Inline Actions. I would post the URL but I'm on dynamic IP so there wouldn't be much point as it may have changed by the time you read this (2hr cutoff/reconnect/newIP/aarrgghh!) Has anyone got a clue? Do you need more info? TIA Matt
Fenton Posted June 8, 2003 Posted June 8, 2003 I'm not an expert at web in general, and JavaScript in particular. But one possible "gotcha" here is that you are referencing the -recid in your Inline; which you must do with -edit. This means that whatever form/link called this page would have had to -find for that record. Unless I guess it's a global or universal unstored calculation, in which case a -findany would do. But I don't believe a -view command will return a record id. So it may be the page that is calling this page, rather than an error here (which is also possible, but I don't see it). To test, why don't put a regular FileMaker field into that Inline, and see if you get anything. That would narrow it down to the JavaScript. If you still get nothing, then it's probably the page calling this one (my guess).
MattCoyne Posted June 8, 2003 Author Posted June 8, 2003 Thanks for the info Fenton I am calling a -find from the first page and then using the -recid to edit with the Inline. I have also simply placed string values as the dates (ie 01/06/2003 and 30/06/2003) in the Inline and that works (so for the month of June... I'm fine!) I'm not totally understanding Anatoli's comment but I am guessing that he is saying that Inlines and Javascript do not mix. Therefore I guess I need another approach. Can I set a token via Javascript and the use an inline? I'm struggling here... TIA Matt
Unable Posted June 8, 2003 Posted June 8, 2003 I believe that is what Anatoli is saying, so the same would hold for a token/Javascript/inlineaction. browser processed routine server processed routine Mixed metaphors can be problematic.
MattCoyne Posted June 8, 2003 Author Posted June 8, 2003 Thanks again for the quick reply I am assuming my general approach is ok as no-one has picked up on that so far... 1. login (-find) 2. set date (-edit) 3. refresh page (-find) An idea then could be to use a hidden form value. Change the value dynamically via javascript, then submit the form (via javascript?) My Javascript knowledge is OK, but for some reason I cannot think of the way to submit the form using javascript rather than by the user clicking a submit button!! Can I do it automatically? Sorry, I am thinking out loud, I should look into it myself... l8r ... Matt
Anatoli Posted June 8, 2003 Posted June 8, 2003 RE: <script language="JavaScript"> document.write("[FMP-InlineAction: -db=DBNAME, -lay=LAYOUTNAME, -RecID={CurrentRecID}, MONTH START DATE="+stDate+", MONTH FINISH DATE="+fnDate+", -edit][/FMP-InlineAction]"); </script> Can be broken into simple logic. Data are send to browser and BROWSER is interpreting them like: <script language="JavaScript"> document.write == tell browser JS engine, that it should put on screen following data...... [FMP-InlineAction: -db=DBNAME, == tell WebCompanion SERVER to ignore normal database processing inclusive of pointers etc. and process separately this Inline code. That can be a problem. Another problem is if you have comment tag <!-- JS --> around JS code and WC ignore that JS But major problem I see in the "document.write". You don't want browser to write something to screen, but force WC to process CDML tags.
Unable Posted June 9, 2003 Posted June 9, 2003 Like so many things one can one often can find answers already posted right here on the CDML Forum if one will perform basic searches. I don't know if you will find this will be useful or not.
Fenton Posted June 9, 2003 Posted June 9, 2003 At the risk of being "one guy with very dark sunglasses leading another," I believe it's a timing problem. I'm not an expert, but basically FileMaker CDML tags are populated first, then JavaScript executes. So your "stDate" is not going to have a value, if you're setting it on this page, with some other JavaScript (which you haven't show us). In order to set a value with JavaScript into a FileMaker field, you have to set it into the form as it is submitted. Something like this (not tested, and possibly wrong; but worth a try:-/ <html> <<head> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function setStDate() { StDate = whatever to set the date with JavaScript document.forms[0].elements[4].value=StDate; document.forms[0].submit(); } </script> </head> <body onLoad="javascript: setStDate();"> <form action="FMPro" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="dbname.fp5"> <input type="hidden" name="-Lay" value="Layoutname"> <input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="ResultPage.htm"> <input type="hidden" name="-recid" value="[FMP-CurrentRecID]"> <input type="hidden" name="StartDate" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="-Edit" value=""> </form> </body> </html>
Garry Claridge Posted June 9, 2003 Posted June 9, 2003 Matt, As Anatoli said, the CDML tags are processed by the Server, before they reach the Browser where the JS is processed. That is why the doc.write is empty when viewed as Browser source. To achieve what you are after you will need to pass the "stDate" and fnDate" values to the Server for processing. This can be done by using Tokens. Firstly the Tokens will need to be assigned in the preceeding page with either the construction of a URL or a Form. The CDML/InlineAction would look something like this: [FMP-InlineAction: -db=DBNAME, -lay=LAYOUTNAME, -RecID={CurrentRecID}, MONTH START DATE={CurrentToken:1}, MONTH FINISH DATE={CurrentToken:2}, -edit][/FMP-InlineAction] I've never tried an "-edit" from an InlineAction so I don't know what to expect. All the best. Garry
Garry Claridge Posted June 9, 2003 Posted June 9, 2003 Looks as if Fenton posted while I was composing my reply. What he has shown is a method for assiging Field values using Javascript. A similar method can be used for assiging values to Tokens. For example: <html> <<head> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function setStDate() { StDate = whatever to set the date with JavaScript document.forms[0].elements[4].value=StDate; (OR document.myform.elements["-Token.1"].value = stDate;) document.forms[0].submit(); } </script> </head> <body onLoad="javascript: setStDate();"> <form name="myform" action="FMPro" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="-DB" value="dbname.fp5"> <input type="hidden" name="-Lay" value="Layoutname"> <input type="hidden" name="-Format" value="ResultPage.htm"> <input type="hidden" name="-recid" value="[FMP-CurrentRecID]"> <input type="hidden" name="-Token.1" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="-Edit" value=""> </form> </body> </html> I've reused Fentons code Good Luck. Garry
MattCoyne Posted June 9, 2003 Author Posted June 9, 2003 Thanks for your replies people, much appreciated... GMT meant I was in the land of nod while you were all working I'll try the 2 approaches today and let you know how I get on. Thanks again Matt
MattCoyne Posted June 9, 2003 Author Posted June 9, 2003 Thanks for your posts they have been enlightening I tried this... perform login on first page on format page, set 2 hidden form values (start/finish dates) via javascript automagically submit form via javascript format file displays the correct calendar info I also tried the following... set values for 2 tokens (start/finish date) on the login page using javascript user submits the form and perform the login passing the tokens with the form perform an inline on the next page using the tokens passed. refresh browser using meta tag format file displays the correct calendar info They both work but can anyone tell me if one method more advisable? Thanks again Matt
Anatoli Posted June 9, 2003 Posted June 9, 2003 I don't know that, but be sure to check for JavaScript enabled in browser before you will depend on any JS result. It can be something like: <SCRIPT language="JavaScript1.2"> top.location.href = "yourJSpage.html" </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT> You need JavaScript ON for this page(s) ...put URL for new start here... </NOSCRIPT>
Newbies sat Posted July 13, 2003 Newbies Posted July 13, 2003 Hi all, Continuation with this thread ! Is there a way to set a value with JavaScript into a FileMaker field, without using form. like using in the the link <a href="databasename&-skip=something&-find">Go</a> i want to set the value of -skip using javascript can i do this : -sat
Garry Claridge Posted July 13, 2003 Posted July 13, 2003 You can use something like this to include the value: <script> myjsvar = 1; document.write('<a href="FMPro?-db=databasename&-skip=' + myjsvar + '&-find">Go</a>'); </script> All the best. Garry
Newbies sat Posted July 13, 2003 Newbies Posted July 13, 2003 Hi Garry, I am sorry, the solution which you gave me doesn't seem to work. I wonder if i am making a mistake. I am not getting the "Go" hyperlink ! -sat
Garry Claridge Posted July 13, 2003 Posted July 13, 2003 I just tested it. It is working fine for me. Check your ' and " quotes. Good Luck. Garry
Newbies sat Posted July 13, 2003 Newbies Posted July 13, 2003 Thanks I guess i made a mistake with the quotes However, my problem seems to stay. It is like this. I have a input box before this Go hyperlink. and I want to enter a value (record number ) in this box and when I click on the Go link I want to go to this record. So, I want to set the value in the input box to -skip= ?? I tried using Javascript , but in vain here is my code.... <script language="JavaScript"> function skipRecord() { var rec = RecordNumber.value -1; return rec; } </script> <script> skip_value=skipRecord(); document.write('<a href="fmpro?-db=databasename&-format=formview.html&-max=1&-skip='+skip_value+'&-find" >GO</a>'); </script> I have tried all combinations...Any suggestions :? -sat
Anatoli Posted July 13, 2003 Posted July 13, 2003 IMHO -- even if the JS will work, your FM syntax is not complete and valid. HTH
Garry Claridge Posted July 13, 2003 Posted July 13, 2003 You can use a Form and have the Javascript replace the value of the "-skip" tag, then have it submit the Form. For example: function skiprec() { document.myform.elements["-skip"].value = document.otherform.enterval.value ; document.myform.submit(); } You could also use "document.location = xxxxx" in the Function. With this method you could use a URL. Don't forget to use the "-lay" tag in you URL. Good Luck. Garry
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