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Show Today's Date Always, in a Field

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I have a field that shows the current date on creation (via Auto-Enter), but I want that field to always show the current date.

So, when tomorrow rolls around, I want this field to show that date.

Any tips?


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Thank you, Lee & Raz. You are the best.

I did know about the "//", but several Scripts need to look at the date as a field.

Changing the field to a calculation and selecting unstored did work (I have no idea why "unstored" matters).


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several Scripts need to look at the date as a field.

I am having a hard time imagining why you would need this as a separate field when you could gather this information at any point during a script using the get(currentDate) function. Unstored just means that the value is constantly recalculated - this also means that it involves a lot more computing than stored fields, and can slow things down. Why not just look up that data when you need it instead of having a field constantly working it out for all records all the time?

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This topic is 6556 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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