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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

smtp pro


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Im trying to configure the smtpit pro, plugin. However I have run into a slight problem.

Everytime I try sending an email to a hotmail account, i get the following error.

ERROR: Send: SendRcptToCmd: Mail Server Error: 5.7.1 ... Relaying denied: You must check for new mail before sending.

If anyone could shed some light on this it would be great.


Jeff England

[email protected]

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This has to do with your mail server and authentication. Not sure of how the plugin is built but you must authenticate 1st (provide U/P) then send email.

This depends on your mail server...

All the best!

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Ummm. I don't think it has anything to do with that, hotmail is a cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap and dirty mail service, don't use it to try and SMTP through it, i'm pretty sure it's denied unless you have a "premium" account with them.

Just use gmail.

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I'm working in a larger organization that uses Outlook/Exchange and Leb i Sol hit the nail on the head. Your mail server needs to be configured to relay messages sent from your workstation(s). Your IT folks may balk at this for a few different reasons but that is the likely source of the problem.

Like Genx I prefer gmail to hotmail but I'm not certain that is the source of the problem. In fact, since you're getting that error message from SMTPit Pro, IMHO, this eliminates hotmail as the source of your current troubles.

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SMTP error it what it looks like to me....you can test this easy with telnet.

Hotmail will not relay ...most mail servers are setup Not to relay (unless opened for specific reason).

The question/answer we are after is what account is used to Send email? (rcpt has nothing to do with it)

I have been out of the FM world for a while so I am not sure of the plugins; but if you need help testing your sending mail server...just post more.

All the best!

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Perhaps we need some clarification. I was under the impression that the hotmail account is the ultimate destination Mr. England's message, not his email host server. Maybe he can clarify.

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yeah I am with Ted here..need more info.

The relay issue is handeled on the sending server (which may not always report its NDRs).

so jeffengland post more...or give out your domainame or sending server IP.

All the best!

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