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You need 8.5 to use this file

Dedicated to John Marks Visibility example on the Database Pros website which has always been my favourite trick.

This is a trick for making a portal disappear, I've always wanted to do this.

Its unlocked so see how long it takes you to work it out :qwery: ... is actually very simple but effective and would work for anything on a layout.

Have fun :)


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My only suggestion is to remove the the tab object from the object tab order, otherwise the user could tab to the tab object and execute it... --- wow i actually said that. LOL, A more verbose way probably wouldn't have made it any easier.

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the words "show" and "hide" come from the Format / Number... so no calc needed ... found this in another post but can't find it to attribute author. That has got to be one of my favourite finds recently because its so reductive.


Found it http://fmforums.com/forum/showtopic.php?tid/174925/post/197898/hl/cows/

Thanks Comment :)-)

For some reason this Topic really made me laugh ... the whole cows thing is somehow funny to read as i'm so used to objects and people ... Amazing what others use FileMaker for...

best stuart

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... and I have wasted some times to search where those words come from. :)

BTW: another good tip from this site ( I don't remember who said it ) is for the "toggle" script ( only two steps vs seven ):)

Set field [ Database::ObjectToggle = Abs ( Database::ObjectToggle - 1 ) ]

Go to object [ ObjectName:Database::ObjectToggle ]

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