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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

GST calculation

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I'm in the mist of completing a financial tracking system which talks directly with our default accounting system.

I'm trying to create a caluclation within a table to do the following.

If "GST status" = Yes, then divide "Amount" by 8 .

The good thing about FM is I can ask small questions and apply them to many other situations I get myself into. I have just finished a automated client database for a treatment centre.

I'd apprecitate any advice for the calculation I'm trying to achieve.

Regards, Topaz

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If topaznz is in NZ then you should divide by 9.

100 / 12.5 = 8 but as you have already added the GST component you need to use 112.5 / 12.5 which is 9.

hope that makes cents!

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LOL yes yes, I'm a little bit of a simple novice with all this still - some may say thick but we won't go there. Thank you all for your help, will go take a crack at it!

Your right Kiwi; divide by 9, for some stupid reason I was thinking I was entering GST exclusive figures. Thanks.

bcooney; This is most likely 1 of several silly questions that will tap out of my finger-tips over time. Thank you for the calculation!

Cheers everyone for your valuable assistance!


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You guys have 12.5% gst? And you get charged on the basics - at least we only pay like 10% and don't get charged on our "non-luxury" items - like bread lol.

But then you guys don't have Capital Gains Tax do you... hmmm, good place to make some money me thinks.

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I'd like to chime in with comment. I didn't realize this is a tax rate calculation. You should take the rate part out of this calculation and reference it instead. Store it in a Pref table. Then when the rate changes, you just change the pref value, not the calculation.

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