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Find function not working

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I have a 'date received' field (defined correctly as a date field) that I use to identify whether a client has settled a bill or not. Using the '*' should show all records where this field has a date (ie the client has paid) and using '=' should find fields that are empty (i.e the client hasn't paid). Unfortunately the finds are not working. Any suggestions as to what could be going on? All other fields in the table and file (be they number or text fields) work fine with find commands.

Many thanks in advance.

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Are you performing the finds using Find Mode, or scripting it?

If in Find Mode, the equal = sign, used by itself, will return any record that is BLANK in that field.

The asterisk * should do the opposite, and find those records that have one or more characters. [color:blue] do not use the quotes in Find Mode it will find only those records with the asterisk in them in that field.

What happens when you use the asterisk ?

BTW, if you sort the records by the field you are performing the Find in now, the problems records are usually at the top, or bottom of the field.



Edited by Guest
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Hi Lee - thanks for your help and suggestions. I have figured out that I was using the "Date received" field as part of a calculation for another field on the same layout - I assume, although I'm only guessing, that you can't perform a find on a field that is being referenced by another field for a calculation.

I have found a work-around anyway by creating a new field and using that for my find - thanks once again for your input.

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This topic is 6205 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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