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include zero in calculation

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The Forum cut my post short. (:(?)

The whole post continues on to say

The calculation function strips leading and trailing zeros. You can make it display the leading zero, if you format your number field as currency, and remove the currency. Note the circle areas. Other than the 2 places, which you might have more or less selected.



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That is a whole different situation.

Can you give an example of how this data in the text field looks (i.e. the text and numbers combined)?

And the Calculation.

Copy and paste here.


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If the number is entered as 0.4 in the number field, 8.5 will keep that format as is, when used in a calculation as you have shown. I don't see the problem here, unless the 0.4 was the result of a second calculation?


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This can be simple or difficult - depending on the expected results of your calculation (positive/negative/zero, needs rounding or not). The simplest method is to use a merged field in a text object, instead of a calculation. This can be formatted just a like a field.

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This topic is 6146 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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