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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Can't move script in menu

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When ever I create a new script I cannot move it up or down the menu. For example, I have a database with 20 scripts. When I create a new one it is the 21st and I cannot move its position. Is there something locked or is the file corrupts?


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Hi there Gary

Is it the case that when you move the script using the arrows it pops back to where it was?

If this is the case you Script Catalogue in that file is damaged.

Try Saving a copy as Compressed and see if that fixes it.


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No. You do not need to do anything to the file. What you need to do is get FileMaker to "refresh" the script list.

Is this a converted file by the way?

If any script names contain hyphens, remove them.

Select all scripts, turn on "show in menu". Close script editor window.

Open script editor, select all scripts, turn off show in menu, then set as you actually prefer them.

You can also post a clone here if you want me to take a look or send a copy privately.

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This topic is 6175 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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