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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Shutdown script

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I would like to know if these are the correct steps when the server is shuting down:

"C:Program Files (x86)FileMakerFileMaker Serverfmsadmin" close -m "Please save your data.  The server will shutdown.  This is an unplanned shutdown.  Please warn the db manager."

"C:Program Files (x86)FileMakerFileMaker Serverfmsadmin" stop

this is a shutdown script that will run under Windows 2003.

Why this? Because the fms is on a windows 2003 VPS and sometimes, but rarely, the VPS is restarting without warning...

Thanks for any advice


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In general, yes: those are the right steps. The only thing you're missing is that you're not checking that everything closed down fine. Not so easy to do from the command line, but you should be checking the Event Logs to make sure everything did as you expected to do.

Never assume anything. That's why the first 3 characters of "assume" are ASS :

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Does anybody *have* a good script/bat file that can gracefully stop databases? I've been struggling to make this work correctly since setting up our v9 server.

This is very important for a variety of reasons - clean backup and power outtage/battery shutdown, VM server shutdown script are a few that come to mind.

It seems like the fmsadmin steps are pretty straightforward. What we need is a way to pause for 120 secs. between fmsadmin close and stopping the service.

Any help or advice greatly appreciated.


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From the FMPug's Everything ReferenceB)


fmsadmin STOP {options}

-f force disconnect of all clients

-m message sends message to clients

-t seconds wait time before disconnect

--grace-time a specified number of seconds (minimum 120) before clients are disconnected. Clients receive a message asking them to disconnect

Example: fmsadmin STOP --grace-time 180

For more information review the FileMaker Server Help PDF document that comes with the product.


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