Kevin Cheesman Posted August 28, 2008 Posted August 28, 2008 Is there a way to export a set of records to iCal?
Josh Ormond Posted August 28, 2008 Posted August 28, 2008 I have never done much with iCal...but I remember coming across this some time last year.
Lee Smith Posted August 28, 2008 Posted August 28, 2008 There is a way to do this, check out the downloads at Lee
gephry Posted August 29, 2008 Posted August 29, 2008 (edited) You can export directly to iCal or to a file (*.ics) file. I've been doing the .ics file for a long time due to the easier synchronization of event updating by ID. I haven't figured out how to properly UPDATE an already existing FM event in iCal through direct iCal manipulation with Applescript....even when you have the proper iCal UID. So I've been sticking to the *.ics file. A while ago I ended up reverse engineering iCal Calendar exports. Here's the basics of a .ics file: START CALENDAR CALENDAR ENTRY 1 CALENDAR ENTRY 2 CALENDAR ENTRY 3 CALENDAR ENTRY 4 etc... END CALENDAR For the START CALENDAR, the basic format is: BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Apple Computer, Inc//iCal 2.0//EN X-WR-RELCALID:82E4B0D7-9C52-4B62-BA31-AEE2A7DF0BE4 X-WR-TIMEZONE:US/Eastern CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York LAST-MODIFIED:20070502T145341Z BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20050403T070000 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZNAME:EDT END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20051030T020000 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZNAME:EST END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE Naturally you'd change EST to Mountain or PST or whatever timezone you're in, etc. For the entries that appear in the middle I created a custom function to compile record data into an iCal format. NOTE: This function creates a somewhat random UID that iCal normally makes. The UID is dependent on your record serial number (aka record ID). The UID will allow you to update events rather than adding duplicates later. Export_to_iCal ( Category ; DateStart ; TimeStart ; DateEnd ; TimeEnd ; AllDay ; Title ; Location ; Description ; ContactName ; ContactEmail ; DateOfEntry ; RecordSerialNumber ) Let([ DOE = If( IsEmpty( DateOfEntry ); Get( CurrentDate ); DateOfEntry ); Date_End_MOD = If( IsEmpty( DateEnd ); DateStart; DateEnd ) ]; If( not( IsEmpty( DateStart ) or IsEmpty( TimeStart ) or IsEmpty( TimeEnd ) ); "BEGIN:VEVENT" & ¶ & " DTSTAMP:" & Year( DOE ) & If( Month( DOE ) < 10; "0"; "" ) & Month( DOE ) & If( Day( DOE ) < 10; "0"; "" ) & Day( DOE ) & "T120000Z" & ¶ & " X-WR-CALNAME:" & If( Category = ""; "Unfiled"; Category ) & "¶" & "UID:" & RecordSerialNumber & Right( "EINWODKN"; 8 - Length( RecordSerialNumber ) ) & "-BABA-411E-8635-" & RecordSerialNumber & Right( "5606E0131B22"; 12 - Length( RecordSerialNumber ) ) & ¶ & "SEQUENCE:4" & ¶ & " STATUS:CONFIRMED" & ¶ & " DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:" & Year( DateStart ) & If( Month( DateStart ) < 10; "0"; "" ) & Month( DateStart ) & If( Day( DateStart ) < 10; "0"; "" ) & Day( DateStart ) & If( AllDay = "Yes" or AllDay = "All Day"; ""; "T" & If( Length( Hour( TimeStart ) ) = 1; "0"; "" ) & Hour( TimeStart ) & If( Length( Minute( TimeStart ) ) = 1; "0"; "" ) & Minute( TimeStart ) & "00" ) & ¶ & "SUMMARY:" & Title & ¶ & "LOCATION:" & Location & ¶ & " ATTENDEE;CN="" & ContactName & ""mailto:" & ContactEmail & ¶ & " DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:" & Year( DateEnd ) & If( Month( DateEnd ) < 10; "0"; "" ) & Month( DateEnd ) & If( Day( DateEnd ) < 10; "0"; "" ) & Day( DateEnd ) & If( AllDay = "Yes" or AllDay = "All Day"; ""; "T" & If( Length( Hour( TimeEnd ) ) = 1; "0"; "" ) & Hour( TimeEnd ) & If( Length( Minute( TimeEnd ) ) = 1; "0"; "" ) & Minute( TimeEnd ) & "00" ) & ¶ & "DESCRIPTION:" & Substitute( Description; "¶"; "n" ) & ¶ & "END:VEVENT" & ¶; "" ) ) Then I use Applescript to copy the values out of the Global fields to an iCal.ics file on the desktop: tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced" copy cell "ECal::g_iCal_Title" of current record to fileName copy cell "ECal::gJewel_Holder" of current record to exportMe do shell script "echo -n " & quoted form of exportMe & " > ~/Desktop/" & quoted form of fileName -- -n prevents a final line feed from being added end tell And then the very end of a *.ics file is very simple; it's just: END:VCALENDAR Again, this is my manipulation of iCal *.ics files for my use in a basic FM calendar. It's not 100% complete/full-featured but it gets the job done for me pretty well. Hope it helps! Edited August 29, 2008 by Guest
Kevin Cheesman Posted August 29, 2008 Author Posted August 29, 2008 Hi All, Thanks for all that! Kevin
Breezer Posted April 22, 2009 Posted April 22, 2009 This looks great. Has anyone done this for Windows?
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