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Survey Questionaire

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Hi All,

I'm trying to think about the development of a survey database. I need to create surveys from different perspectives, Admins to people into the nitty gritty.

I tried to search the forum for some intro/samples already posted etc, with little success. Any links to some examples would help in the planning part.



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Thanks..had a look.

Very simple stuff. I was thinking about making the responses more complex though.

I was trying to think about different responses to questions, where a response could be a list of predefined response (Example would be a series of respones were mutliple responses apply) and where an answer is binary (yes/no), or where an response are predifined ranges (date range to understand the experience of a particular person).

Any ideas on how to mix in the different value lists types for responses. I'm thinking about scripting is based upon a question type (radio box; check box; text etc). Based upon this field, the respondant selects the response and if it is a radio button then only one response is declared in contrast the check box where multiple responses are recorded (in a separate user response table).

Tried to attache file, here is an empty file for review

Perspective is based upon the system I'm trying to gather data about. The survey is trying to assess what each user wants from a future application.

Need to add some contacts and groups and questions. Answers are added and given a sort order from the question layout.




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i would recommend using portals or some other method for user entry based on the question type - and use scripts to validate the input.

I would not use filemakers radio / check box formatting features as method of user entry.

But rather use a tab panel that is 'hidden' and based on the question you are on have it navigate to the appropriate tab panel to display the desired field portal with the attached dependent scripts.

You may need to abstract your user interface and have a table of globals where you set global key fields for the current question and associated responses.

Here is an example of a survey system i built a while back - its very rough, i turned on the wire frames for the portal but in production i would make the fill and frame invisible and format the tabs to the left with 0 border making them invisible and non clickable, the script takes care of navigation.


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Thanks Stephen! That is exactly what I was thinking. It was nice to see it in practice before I did some test versions and realized that the method was flawed. Got to love trial and error.

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