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scrolling text box

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Thanks for your suggestions. But still I don't have any idea how to use ifs to solve my problem,it will be nice of you if you can send a little bit more explanation.

My users write their notes in a text box and send it to the database but when I want to see their notes on record detail page I can not see the "enter" action

(like that )

which they pressed while they writing their notes in that text box,

if I use [fmp-field:aaaa],but I can see whole text. If I use scrolling text box I can see enter actions but I can not see the whole text I have to use scroll.

But I want to be able to see both whole text & without scrolling it. You say "if" sloves that problem. How ?!..sorry but I have no idea how to configure condition...


[ April 15, 2001: Message edited by: abkaplan ]

[ April 15, 2001: Message edited by: abkaplan ]

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