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Dynamically Set SVG Icon

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Is it possible to dynamically set a FM .svg icon?
ex. case value = 0; svgIconStarWHITE; svgIconStarBLACK

Looking to take advantage of the new .svg feature. I'm currently just using character "charms" to accomplish this.
Using the data formatting "boolean" option, show zero ☆ ; non zero ★

But this is limited to a small group of silly characters and most don't have a comparable black vs. white version. For example, I would like to use a heart icon but can't using charms.


Any ideas on this? Thanks

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No workarounds.

However, if you are using FM supported SVG files, you can change the color of the icon, based on conditional formatting.

This can take you some of the way...

If you want to replace the entire icon, you need to other techniques, which could be to have conditional hide on buttonbar segments or use of container fields. However, SVG files is not supported in container fields, so if you go that route, you will need to create e.g. png versions of your icons.

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