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Problem with Conditional Formatting withGetLayoutObjectAttribute

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I want some buttons to switch between slide panels, and want a visual representation of which panel is the front one. 

I used Conditional Formatting to change the fill color of each button using the GetLayoutObjectAttribute("ThePanelObjectName"; "isFrontPanel") function.

Most of the time, the button fill color does not change until the mouse pointer is no longer hovering over it, and other buttons (for which "isFrontPanel" is no longer true) do not change until the mouse pointer hovers over them. Occasionally, it works as iI intended.  See the attached sample.

Is there a workaround, or a better method to create the desired behavior?


GLOA problem.fmp12.zip

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"Especially if you just use the panel navigator dots."

The conditional formatting of the buttons could be seen only if the window is refreshed.
Using the navigator dots doesn't refresh the window, so it's better to hide them.

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If you need the DOTS, it is better to use scripting and a script trigger on the Panel when it is changed (onPanelSwitch). To simplify, I am setting a global variable $$panel (in the background). Button conditional formatting are based on that variable.  When using the DOTS to navigate (or swipe on mobile) the Switch Panel script is triggered BEFORE the next panel, so the the logic in the script triggered reflects that.

Tear it apart. If you have any questions, please ask.

Hope this helps!

dwdc_GLOA problem.zip

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