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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

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Hi all,

Installing 360's Plastic 2 plug-in for a client — one server, 8 clients on LAN only. They will be using VirutalMerchant's Converge platform for their gateway.

I was wondering if anyone can recommend a card reader for regular and EMV chip cards?

FMS14, FMP14 - all Mac OSX

All feedback very much appreciated!

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Unfortunately, Plastic does not support EMV. We are working on a solution for this, but it is not as simple as buying a card reader like it was when you needed support for a magnetic stripe reader. There is a complicated and expensive certification process that any payment application provider must undergo in order to support EMV. That is not a feasible approach for us, so we are researching providers for what are known as "semi-integrated" solutions, where the provider assumes the certification burden. Our options are limited, but they aren't non-existent, so we hope to have something in the works in the coming months.

To give you an idea of how behind development API providers are when it comes to the liability switch earlier this month, Authorize.Net, the most well-known provider in the US, will not begin to support EMV in its developer API until 2016 and it will be a slow rollout on a processor by processor basis during Q1 and Q2.

Once we have a solution in place, we will be sure to launch a campaign via email, social media and our Web site to inform our customer base.

Sterling Rouse

Project Manager


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