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Hi all

I'm trying to utilise the NOT EXISTS command:

I need to find records in the Cases table that do not have matching records in the Originals table.

So far I have:

FROM Cases a
    (SELECT * 
     FROM Originals b
     WHERE b.Case_IDF = a.Case_ID)

It just freezes when I try this though. Could it be that because there are a lot of records in each table? I will be using additional criteria - not sure if this would improve performance if this is the case.

Any help appreciated.


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Have got a script trigger to set a flag field in the parent table if no records existing in the child table, then just use a simpler SQL command. It took far too long to do it all in SQL.

Cheers guys

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This topic is 3173 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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