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I'm trying to set one of my custom menus' label to be the Account Name, however I want this to appear in Uppercase, or possibly even title case if I decide. I've tried using TextStyleAdd ( get ( accountname ) ; Uppercase ) however it doesn't do anything, leading me to believe custom menus can't have styles added to them, which I suppose makes sense. I've also tried creating a new global field and applying the style to that field and using that field as the title override for the menu - nada.

Any ideas on making this work?

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4 hours ago, madman411 said:

leading me to believe custom menus can't have styles added to them

I believe you are right: only layout objects can have/display a text style.


4 hours ago, madman411 said:

I want this to appear in Uppercase, or possibly even title case if I decide.

Use the Upper() function, or possibly even the Proper() function if you decide.

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1 hour ago, madman411 said:

I would've initially thought that Upper() and Proper() are essentially text style/formatting functions as well?

No, they are not. They actually modify the underlying text, not just apply style to it. Compare these:

Code ( "a" )

returns: 97

Code ( "A" )

returns: 65

Code ( Upper ( "a" ) )

returns: 65 (same as "A")

Code ( TextStyleAdd ( "a" ; Uppercase ) )

returns: 97 (same as "a").


You will notice the same difference if you export a calculation field using Upper(), compared to a calculation field using TextStyleAdd(). The former will be in upper case, the latter will retain the original case as entered.

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Thanks for clarifying, comment. Thinking back, this type of text modification within FM is something I've tried to suss out for a while but it seems I've been looking in the wrong place - the Text Formatting function list within the calculation engine.

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This topic is 3166 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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