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ExecuteSQL Sum difference between dataviewer and calculation

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I am puzzled. I have this simple sql :

Let ([
key = FORR::k_order_line_id ;
SQL = 
"Select sum(amount)  " 
& " from journal_line jl" 
& " where jl.k_order_line_id = ?" 
& " and jl.ledger =  '2053' " 

ExecuteSQL ( SQL ; "" ; "" ; key  ) 

Data viewer returns : 1707.5 ( 1895 - 187.50 )
Calculated field returns : 170750 <- wrong. 
Calculation is number, unstored.

When I don't have decimals the sum result of both are the same.


Any ideas as to why ?





Edited by Joost Miltenburg
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SQL may be a reserved word? try changing the variable name to something other than SQL.



Let ([
_key = FORR::k_order_line_id ;
_SQL = 
"Select sum(amount)  " 
& " from journal_line jl" 
& " where jl.k_order_line_id = ?" 
& " and jl.ledger =  '2053' " 

ExecuteSQL ( _SQL ; "" ; "" ; _key  ) 

Edited by Kris M
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