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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Radio Button Calc

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I have a Portal containing a Checkbox with the value of "Paid"
When "Paid" is selected how do I get it to add a set amount, say 20, to a field called "Total" outside the Portal?
Also when un-selected it needs to remove the same amount from the "Total" field.

With Thanks


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Not sure it's ideal without more details

On the child table create a field:

Paid Amount = Case ( child::checkbox = "paid" ; 20 ; ""  ) 

Then in the parent table create a field:

Total Paid = Sum ( child::Paid Amount ) 


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12 hours ago, Mickdn said:

When "Paid" is selected how do I get it to add a set amount, say 20, to a field called "Total" outside the Portal?

I'd suggest you rethink your strategy here, because prices, fees, etc. change as time goes by - and you don't want future changes to affect existing records.

Ask yourself instead: how do I auto-enter the currently charged amount into a field in the child table - either upon creation, or upon recording the actual payment?

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24 minutes ago, Mickdn said:

The amount will never really change

Famous last words ...  But if you are sure about that, you can use a calculation field (defined in the parent table) =

Count ( Child::Paid ) * 20

to calculate the total amount paid.

This assumes the Paid field will be empty if not checked. Your title speaks of a radio button, but your question speaks of a checkbox - that's kind of confusing.


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