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[ANN] Benroy Business App Unlocked FileMaker Framework Released with 80% Discount

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Benroy Business App by YZY SOFT is encourating businesses to do some Spring Cleaning by reducing the needed for cluttered apps and software packages by introducing a fully integrated businesses solution.

Europe, Lithuania, 03/03/2016 — As technology becomes smaller and more efficient and portable, software must advance to accommodate. The office place is now city streets, metro trains, coffee shops, as well as, brick and mortar locations. A modern business must have the ability to move with the employee. Benroy Business App is a comprehensive business solution for management  and business development. The application organizes and tracks work and sales funnels using specific solutions designed for project management and tracking, whether those projects are sales, real estate, law, photography or any other creative agency. Benroy Business App is ideal solution for companies who wish to manage: Contacts, Job Orders, Estimates, Leads, Proposals, Contracts, Projects, Tasks, Events & Calendars, Warehouses, Payments, Incomes, Expenses, Documents, and Timesheets. Each step in the lifecycle can be managed through a single window!

Now for a limited time, the entire business solution is 80% off!

“We know that we have a solution that works for all types of businesses large and small,” says founder Giedrius Godelaitis.  “What we wanted to do for the next few months is focus on small businesses and that meant, bringing down our pricing to something affordable for them. Not only are we providing a sizable discount for the solution but also we’re chopping half off our prices for customization, training, and support services.”

The full price of this package is $2499 but for the next few months, the entire business solution can be had for Filemaker users for just $499.80. That means, an entire office suite from sales to closeout can be had and utilized for less than $500. Not only can a small business quickly get up and running with this type of end-to-end solution, but also have an ability to extend functionality to meet own needs.

Customers will have a highly effective CRM tool, an accounting package, project management software and more. “It was important that we give our customers a way to not only manage projects, but their sales streams,” says Giedrius. “We created an easy to use financial module that enables our clients to see all of the sales activities in one spot. Not only that, but it helps them see and manage costs, as control their warehouse. This is something we’re incredibly proud of and want to get into the hands of small businesses so that they have a cheap method to boost business sales and activities.”

For more information visit the website at:

FileMaker Developer Preview page:


About FileMaker Inc. (www.filemaker.com) 
FileMaker, Inc., an Apple subsidiary, delivers innovative software to easily create custom business solutions for iPad, iPhone, Windows, Mac and the web. Millions of people, from individuals to some of the world’s largest organizations, use the FileMaker Platform to streamline their business processes, manage information, and boost overall productivity. 

About YZY SOFT (http://www.yzysoft.com)
YZY SOFT is a privately held company founded in 2010 and located in beautiful Vilnius, Lithuania. YZY SOFT focuses on the easy to use business management solutions and its add-ons.

© 2015 FileMaker, Inc. All rights reserved. FileMaker is a trademark of FileMaker, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

All Rights Reserved. YZY SOFT and Benroy Business App are registered trademarks of YZY SOFT, Lithuania

Edited by YZY SOFT
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