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Get a mail count from the Sent mailbox

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I need to get a count of email in the sent folder, that were sent today. I've been successful with Inbox but not Sent. When I try 

EmailGetMessageCount ( "mailbox=Sent")

I get ERROR. Is it possible to get a mail count from Sent?

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More than likely the error is that "sent" does not exist. You can check this by calling EmailLastError after you get ERROR. Call the function EmailListMailboxes. Be sure that you list all the mailboxes. You can do so by calling EmailListMailboxes("";"true") . This will list all mailboxes for the account. 

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Thanks Ryan for your reply. I used your advice but it still didn't work. Here's what happened.

EmailListMailBoxes showed that INBOX and Sent Items among others existed. But when I do:
EmailGetMessageCount ( "mailbox = Sent Items") or
EmailGetMessageCount ( "mailbox = INBOX") 
I get an error that says the mailbox does not exist. If I do
I get the mail count for INBOX.

Any further suggestion?

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I already did that. In my previous message I said

EmailListMailBoxes showed that INBOX and Sent Items among others exist. But when I do:
EmailGetMessageCount ( "mailbox = Sent Items") or
EmailGetMessageCount ( "mailbox = INBOX") 
I get an error that says the mailbox does not exist.

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This topic is 3056 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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