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Windows WebDirect Spinning Dial

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This is odd. I remotely administer a client's FM solution.

Despite the fact that my clients haven't reported any issues...when I try to access the solution via WebDirect...Chrome/Windows...all I seem to get is the dreaded spinning wheel.

And this is before I even open a database!

Just trying to load the initial WebDirect menu can take over a minute! And often I can't even open a database at all.

It was working pretty well until a few weeks ago. Now it's completely broken. Mac access is fine. iOS access is fine. But on my Windows computer (monster-64 GB RAM/8 core/Win 8.1) it's toast.

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10 hours ago, Wim Decorte said:

what happens if you use IE on that machine?

Exact same thing with Explorer.  Endless spinning wheel. Unusable. 

iPhone browser...fine
iPad mini...fine
MacBook Pro...fine
My customers...so far...fine

But my Windows machine...8.1... with Chrome or with Explorer... Broken

Edited by FoggyMt
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what if you create a new account on your machine and try it from there? Perhaps there is something in your profile that is running interference.

Especially since your clients are not reporting any issues.

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OK...this is interesting...when I try my server---also Windows 8.1-- WebDirect works just fine.

So what would break a single computer...one that is ultra-powerful and works great? 

Anti-virus software?

8 minutes ago, Wim Decorte said:

what if you create a new account on your machine and try it from there? Perhaps there is something in your profile that is running interference.

Especially since your clients are not reporting any issues.

Yes...there is something peculiar to the user settings or browser cache...or something like that. I guess it's better that this happen to me than to my client...and I learn how to properly address it! 

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