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Unrelated Tables?

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Hi Guys,

So I'm having a bit of a disaster.

I've made a really basis opening Database. I've managed to get Drop Downs to connect my People to my Company/Clients. Easy!

Where I'm having the next issue is in my invoices Layout. I basically want select the company and have the program fill in the address, but it won't.

I've looked for related tabes, but it says there are none? I'm a bit confused, as I've related my ID in my Clients Table to my IDFK in my Invoices Table. I can see a relationship between the tables - but it's not working!

Can anyone help where I've gone wrong?



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Where I'm having the next issue is in my invoices Layout. I basically want select the company and have the program fill in the address, but it won't.

I can see a relationship between the tables - but it's not working!


You can?

I can't.

no relation.png


Edited by BruceR
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Ahh ok. Just to be clear, they are not duplicate tables, just to give the relationships an easier way to show. 

So if I link the orginals as per your screenshot (ie Client ID to IDFK in Invoices), this will work?

Sorry to sound dense, I thought the idea was you could make table windows so that you don't have lines everywhere?

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Hi Neil

When you create extra occurrences of your tables in order to create relationships (like you have in the 'Relationships' area of your graph) then you have to base the layouts on those extra occurrences. 

If you base the layouts on the occurrences that Filemaker creates for you, which are not related to anything, then FileMaker doesn't believe them to be related to any other tables (even though you have other occurrences of that table that are related).

You have to imagine where you are on the graph (in your head!) and understand that you can only see (or use, or display) fields that you can reach by following the relationship lines.

It can be annoying, but it is just the way FileMaker works.

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"So if I link the orginals as per your screenshot (ie Client ID to IDFK in Invoices), this will work?"

What happens when you try; perhaps even before asking? 

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This topic is 3041 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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