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Cleaning Input Data

Attachment Size CleaningInputData.zip 273.33 KB By Matt Petrowsky Download Video Users make mistakes. There’s no doubt about that. When given the opportunity, they’ll enter characters and text strings you never expected. The easy solution to this problem is to simply control the result of what they’ve input. When capturing the input, there may be a variety of rules regarding how you want the data stored. Do you want to store “4 pm” or 16:00:00? Is the user entering suffixes suc

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Manipulating CSV Exports

Exchanging data between systems has always been a matter of format. The output systems needs to output in the expected input format for the inbound system - and it works the same way when going in reverse. When it comes to data interchange formats, some of the most prevalent are arguably CSV (comma separated value) and Tab delimited. The problem with these formats however, is that one person’s CSV is not necessarily another’s. The CSV “standard” actually has no standard. There is an RFC (Reque

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Manipulating CSV Exports

No Access? Watch the preview video here. ManipulatingCSVExports_Pre.mp4 Attachment Size ManipulatingCSVExports.zip 280.29 KB By Matt Petrowsky Exchanging data between systems has always been a matter of format. The output systems needs to output in the expected input format for the inbound system - and it works the same way when going in reverse. When it comes to data interchange formats, some of the most prevalent are arguably CSV (comma separated value) and Tab delimited.

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Ultra easy vCalendar exporting

When it comes to accomplishing things within FileMaker Pro, some of the most sublime techniques are also the most empowering. This particular technique, while focused on exporting calendar events, showcases some of my most favorite power-user methods for manipulating data. In my personal scenario, I was provided with a standard spreadsheet formatted to show a calendar of events broken down month-by-month. The spreadsheet was formatted to be easily used and viewed by humans. It was not, however

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Ultra easy vCalendar exporting

No Access? Watch the preview video here. UltraEasyVcalendar_Pre.mp4 Attachment Size UltraEasyVcalendarExporting.zip 275.55 KB By Matt Petrowsky When it comes to accomplishing things within FileMaker Pro, some of the most sublime techniques are also the most empowering. This particular technique, while focused on exporting calendar events, showcases some of my most favorite power-user methods for manipulating data. In my personal scenario, I was provided with a standard sprea

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

User Feedback using Button Bars

Download Video FileMaker 14 introduced a new layout object called a Button Bar. It’s essentially a wrapper around multiple buttons which can be used as either a conventional button or a popover menu. The great thing about button bars is they respect a hierarchy. If you hide the whole Button Bar, then nothing shows. If you hide just one segment, which is what one individual button within the bar is called, then the bar will retain its size and simply not show the given segment. All button segm

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

User Feedback using Button Bars

Attachment Size ButtonBarFeedback.zip 278 KB Download Video FileMaker 14 introduced a new layout object called a Button Bar. It’s essentially a wrapper around multiple buttons which can be used as either a conventional button or a popover menu. The great thing about button bars is they respect a hierarchy. If you hide the whole Button Bar, then nothing shows. If you hide just one segment, which is what one individual button within the bar is called, then the bar will retain its size

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

QR Code Login Systems

When QR codes started gaining traction, the world’s developers were full of ideas about how they could be used. Large real-world multi-player games were even created and they started showing up on all kinds of packaging, products and marketing. It was thought that the world would communicate via their mobile devices and go scan crazy when it came to QR codes. The reality, however, was that while they are used quite a bit within industry and in many different ways, their general use is still so

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

QR Code Login Systems

No Access? Watch the preview video here. QRCodes_Pre.mp4 Attachment Size QRLoginSystem.zip 311.86 KB By Matt Petrowsky When QR codes started gaining traction, the world’s developers were full of ideas about how they could be used. Large real-world multi-player games were even created and they started showing up on all kinds of packaging, products and marketing. It was thought that the world would communicate via their mobile devices and go scan crazy when it came to QR codes

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Understanding Perform Script on Server

When FileMaker 13 was released, one of its sleeper features was Perform Script on Server. Yeah, developer’s recognized it, but didn’t really know how to value its power. With the subsequent release of FileMaker 14, and FileMaker Go 14 in particular, the advantages of Perform Script on Server simply can’t be overlooked by anyone creating solutions within FileMaker Pro. If your FileMaker solution has any number of users, beyond a very small number, then the performance gains can be quite signifi

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Understanding Perform Script on Server

No Access? Watch the preview video here. PSOS_Pre.mp4 Attachment Size PSOS.zip 68.07 KB By Matt Petrowsky When FileMaker 13 was released, one of its sleeper features was Perform Script on Server. Yeah, developer’s recognized it, but didn’t really know how to value its power. With the subsequent release of FileMaker 14, and FileMaker Go 14 in particular, the advantages of Perform Script on Server simply can’t be overlooked by anyone creating solutions within FileMaker Pro. I

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

iOS Swiping in FileMaker Go

Progressive disclosure. It’s the buzzword that’s been around since the mid 2000’s and a concept which has existed since software started hiding preferences. It’s recently been hitting the popular FileMaker airwaves because of the recent widgets we’ve received in FileMaker 13 & 14. When it comes to progressive disclosure, iOS, due to the small screen size of the iPhone, needed to only show what was absolutely necessary in order to keep things clean and simple. With the new user interaction

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

iOS Swiping in FileMaker Go

No Access? Watch the preview video here. iOSSwiping_Pre.mp4 Attachment Size ListSwipe.zip 115.26 KB By Matt Petrowsky Progressive disclosure. It’s the buzzword that’s been around since the mid 2000’s and a concept which has existed since software started hiding preferences. It’s recently been hitting the popular FileMaker airwaves because of the recent widgets we’ve received in FileMaker 13 & 14. When it comes to progressive disclosure, iOS, due to the small screen size

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

High Performance FileMaker

Creating a FileMaker solution which simply works is much easier than one which performs well. Yeah! You’d like to assume that FileMaker Inc. will take care of everything for you and your FileMaker solution, no matter how you build it, will just work perfectly and as fast as possible. Here’s the catch. You can hand a hammer to pretty much anyone. However, using it, in the most efficient manner, is a totally different story. You must remember, the FileMaker environment knows nothing about how pe

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

High Performance FileMaker

No Access? Watch the preview video here. HighPerformanceFileMaker_Pre.mp4 Attachment Size HighPerformanceFileMaker.zip 308.65 KB By Matt Petrowsky Creating a FileMaker solution which simply works is much easier than one which performs well. Yeah! You’d like to assume that FileMaker Inc. will take care of everything for you and your FileMaker solution, no matter how you build it, will just work perfectly and as fast as possible. Here’s the catch. You can hand a hammer to pret

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Perfect PDF Form Capture

PDF's won! The battle is over and they're the default digital document for our modern computing age - although ODF may try to disagree.* Of course, if you need to send someone a digital document, you obviously have a number of options. You can point them to a web page - most people have access to a web browser. You can send them a Microsoft Word document and hope they have something to open it - Google Apps is free. You can always send plain text or an RTF document - they're pretty universal.

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Perfect PDF Form Capture

No Access? Watch the preview video here. PDFFormCapture_Pre.mp4 By Matt Petrowsky PDF's won! The battle is over and they're the default digital document for our modern computing age - although ODF may try to disagree.* Of course, if you need to send someone a digital document, you obviously have a number of options. You can point them to a web page - most people have access to a web browser. You can send them a Microsoft Word document and hope they have something to open it - Google

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Clean Reading Code

The ability to read code is similar to being able to read a foreign language. The greater your vocabulary in terms of structuring sentences, the more expressive the result. When opening your own scripts just a few months later, if you can make quick sense of what the script does, then you've accomplished the ideal of clean reading code. In 2010, I set out to document my own methods of coding madness. There have always been standards floating around in the world of FileMaker and personal prefer

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Clean Reading Code

Attachment Size CleanReadingCode.zip 284.37 KB By Matt Petrowsky The ability to read code is similar to being able to read a foreign language. The greater your vocabulary in terms of structuring sentences, the more expressive the result. When opening your own scripts just a few months later, if you can make quick sense of what the script does, then you've accomplished the ideal of clean reading code. In 2010, I set out to document my own methods of coding madness. There have alwa

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Charting Anywhere

One of the more valuable things you can add to your data is some sort of visualization. At its most basic level, this is primarily a chart or graph which speaks about the state of your data. Visualizations have been a hot topic in recent years because it's become so easy to access larger data sets. Spending even just a small amount of time on http://visualizing.org or http://www.informationisbeautiful.net makes your everyday UI designer salivate at all the pretty pictures which can provide insi

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Charting Anywhere

No Access? Watch the preview video here. ChartingAnywhere_Pre.mp4 Attachment Size ChartingAnywhere.zip 292.7 KB By Matt Petrowsky One of the more valuable things you can add to your data is some sort of visualization. At its most basic level, this is primarily a chart or graph which speaks about the state of your data. Visualizations have been a hot topic in recent years because it's become so easy to access larger data sets. Spending even just a small amount of time on http

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Developer Debugging Tricks

Spending a lot of time, within any environment, slowly provides the nuances of that trade. Many of which you simply can't know when first getting started. It's not just one tip or trick which makes you great. It's the 'bag of tricks' which make you good - and fast. In this video, I go over a few of my Developer Debugging Tricks. These have been really helpful when developing for either Mobile or Server Side scripts. While developing, you always need to know various things about the environmen

FileMaker Magazine

FileMaker Magazine

Optimized Display Images

For newer FileMaker developers it's easy to exclaim "Oh, cool, FileMaker takes care of that for me. Look, it reduces the image to fit my container." Coupled with the false assumption that what you see is optimized to the ideal resolution will give you nothing but a SLOW FileMaker solution. While it's nice to have something taken care of for you, it's not always the most ideal. FileMaker can only anticipate so many situations and conditions and, as a developer, your solution may require far more

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