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Toggle Sort & Unsort Button

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Hello all,

I have a a button bar that sort and unsort my material. What I would like is,  I want the icons to show alternately if I do sort and unsort.  

Please see attached file.

Thank you so much.



Edited by Lola
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Yes I want a different icon that will show if it is sorted vs unsorted, like for example if i click the my material code it will show the icon AZ with arrow down and if I click it again it will show the icon AZ with arrow up (its already on the icons).



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OK - then you need a second icon for each of the buttons, and use the Hide Object When... section of the Data part of Inspector - the attached shows this for Materials, and I've placed the two icons a bit apart from demonstration purposes.

You would place them directly over the top of each other to make it look seamless

Personally, I wouldn't use a field to track the sort order, but that's a matter of taste...


Edited by webko
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You said "button bar" in the original post. Are you using FileMaker 11 as your profile says? Apparently not if the format is fp12. Please update your profile, it helps to answer your question appropriately.

With the (FM14) button bar, you can achieve the same effect a little more cleanly -- you'd still use two button segments, but at least wouldn't have to stack them.

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Profile updated...how can I make the other material name button not showing if I will click the material code button.



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For buttons, future action makes sense. For column headers though, I believe UI convention very strongly favors sort indicators -- i.e., indicate the current sort state.

Google's material design specs for example (emphasis mine): "If column sorting is enabled, sort the most important data by default and display a sorted state in the column header. If the user clicks on a column that is already sorted, reverse the sort order and rotate the sort icon. "

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This topic is 2909 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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