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All PHP functions and Webdirect


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WebDirect is not standard PHP per se. The WebPublishing engine in FileMaker turns layouts into HTML5, CSS etc to render the page in a browser

And FMS 11 doesn't support WebDirect at all - the technology didn't exist when Server 11 was released.

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Thank you for your reply.  I am looking to integrate filemaker and prestashop so I can add, delete, or change items in filemaker to control prestashop.  The following link say it can be done.


Does anyone know the details of how they integrate together?  Thanks.



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That link suggests there are two ways that it has been achieved (neither of which are WebDirect)

1. Use ODBC drivers to connect to the PrestaShop database and exchange information in real time
2. Use the PrestaShop Web API to receive information from the FileMaker Server to edit the PrestaShop information.

I know nothing about PrestaShop, but both of those approaches will need someone quite familiar with the technologies involved to make it happen.

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