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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

How to serve several database projects on one pc?


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Sorry if this isn't the right forum, but I am working on two different FileMaker projects. One is a web shop and the other is a project database. Now we have them on two separate pc's, but how do we make both of them work on the same computer? Do we need extra software? (We now have Filemaker Pro 5.5 Unlimited). Both projects are web projects.

This is a little urgent, so any help is deeply appreciated.

Thanks! smile.gif

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FMPU 5.5 is limited to hosting 50 DBs.

If your total file compleemnt is less than this then you can host them all from the same FMPU 5.5.

If the data is for different clients then you might cause some security issues if you merge them

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Hi Jen!

IMHO is "In My Humble Opinion" -- yes, there are several like this (BTW is "By The Way")!! When I was new (and I still *feel* new), Brian Kennedy ended his responses with HTH. So when I responded to him, I'd put "Hi HTH" -- I then found out blush.gif that HTH is "Hope That Helps" crazy.gif

Questions are always good things!


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This topic is 7982 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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